HygienicPro® BFD-570 AISI Type 304 stainless steel processing drain with smooth interior, 12in. (305mm) round top, AISI CF-8 cast grating, and bottom outlet (BO) or side outlet (SO). Model options include low (L), medium (M), and high (H) depths in 4" or 6" diameter outlet, Type 316L stainless steel (-316), and sediment bucket (-B).
Доступність регіону
Європа | Азія | Північна Америка |
Åland Islands | United Arab Emirates | Anguilla |
Albania | Antigua and Barbuda | |
Andorra | Aruba | |
Austria | Barbados | |
Belarus | Belize | |
Belgium | Bermuda | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | British Virgin Islands | |
Bulgaria | Canada | |
Croatia | Caribbean Netherlands | |
Cyprus | Cayman Islands | |
Czech Republic | Collectivity of Saint Martin | |
Denmark | Costa Rica | |
Estonia | Cuba | |
Faroe Islands | Curaçao | |
Finland | Dominica | |
France | Dominican Republic | |
Germany | El Salvador | |
Gibraltar | Greenland | |
Greece | Grenada | |
Guernsey | Guadeloupe | |
Hungary | Guatemala | |
Iceland | Haiti | |
Ireland | Honduras | |
Isle of Man | Jamaica | |
Italy | Martinique | |
Jersey | Mexico | |
Latvia | Montserrat | |
Liechtenstein | Nicaragua | |
Lithuania | Panama | |
Luxembourg | Puerto Rico | |
Malta | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |
Moldova | Saint Lucia | |
Monaco | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | |
Montenegro | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
Netherlands | Saint-Barthélemy | |
North Macedonia | Sint Maarten | |
Norway | The Bahamas | |
Poland | Trinidad and Tobago | |
Portugal | Turks and Caicos Islands | |
Romania | U.S. Virgin Islands | |
Russia | United States | |
San Marino | ||
Serbia | ||
Slovakia | ||
Slovenia | ||
Spain | ||
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | ||
Sweden | ||
Switzerland | ||
Ukraine | ||
United Kingdom | ||
Vatican City |