BEMO-UNIKO Mäanderpaneele haben eine elegante lineare Struktur, die eine interessante Wirkung von Licht und Schatten erzeugen. Je nach Anforderung und Anwendungsfall werden Mäanderpaneele von BEMO verdeckt, sichtbar oder frei gleitend zum Einhängen an der Fassade befestigt. Die Verlegerichtung am Gebäude erfolgt variabel – waagerecht, senkrecht sowie diagonal. BEMO-UNIKO Mäanderpaneele können in nahezu allen Farben, Materialien und auf Wunsch auch in gelochter Variante gefertigt werden.
Доступність регіону
Європа | Азія | Північна Америка | Африка | Південна Америка | Океанія |
Åland Islands | Afghanistan | Anguilla | Algeria | Argentina | American Samoa |
Albania | Armenia | Antigua and Barbuda | Angola | Bolivia | Australia |
Andorra | Azerbaijan | Aruba | Benin | Brazil | Cook Islands |
Austria | Bahrain | Barbados | Botswana | Chile | Federated States of Micronesia |
Belarus | Bangladesh | Belize | Burkina Faso | Colombia | Fiji |
Belgium | Bhutan | Bermuda | Burundi | Ecuador | French Polynesia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | British Indian Ocean Territory | British Virgin Islands | Cameroon | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | Guam |
Bulgaria | Brunei | Canada | Cape Verde | French Guiana | Kiribati |
Croatia | Cambodia | Caribbean Netherlands | Central African Republic | Guyana | Marshall Islands |
Cyprus | China | Cayman Islands | Chad | Paraguay | Nauru |
Czech Republic | Christmas Island | Collectivity of Saint Martin | Comoros | Peru | New Caledonia |
Denmark | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Costa Rica | Côte d'Ivoire | Suriname | New Zealand |
Estonia | Georgia | Cuba | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Uruguay | Niue |
Faroe Islands | Hong Kong | Curaçao | Djibouti | Venezuela | Norfolk Island |
Finland | India | Dominica | Egypt | Northern Mariana Islands | |
France | Indonesia | Dominican Republic | Equatorial Guinea | Palau | |
Germany | Iran | El Salvador | Eritrea | Papua New Guinea | |
Gibraltar | Iraq | Greenland | Eswatini | Pitcairn Islands | |
Greece | Israel | Grenada | Ethiopia | Samoa | |
Guernsey | Japan | Guadeloupe | Gabon | Solomon Islands | |
Hungary | Jordan | Guatemala | Ghana | Timor-Leste | |
Iceland | Kazakhstan | Haiti | Guinea | Tokelau | |
Ireland | Kuwait | Honduras | Guinea-Bissau | Tonga | |
Isle of Man | Kyrgyzstan | Jamaica | Kenya | Tuvalu | |
Italy | Laos | Martinique | Lesotho | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
Jersey | Lebanon | Mexico | Liberia | Vanuatu | |
Latvia | Macau | Montserrat | Libya | Wallis and Futuna | |
Liechtenstein | Malaysia | Nicaragua | Madagascar | ||
Lithuania | Maldives | Panama | Malawi | ||
Luxembourg | Mongolia | Puerto Rico | Mali | ||
Malta | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Mauritania | ||
Moldova | Nepal | Saint Lucia | Mauritius | ||
Monaco | North Korea | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Mayotte | ||
Montenegro | Oman | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Morocco | ||
Netherlands | Pakistan | Saint-Barthélemy | Mozambique | ||
North Macedonia | Palestine | Sint Maarten | Namibia | ||
Norway | Philippines | The Bahamas | Niger | ||
Poland | Qatar | Trinidad and Tobago | Nigeria | ||
Portugal | Saudi Arabia | Turks and Caicos Islands | Republic of the Congo | ||
Romania | Singapore | U.S. Virgin Islands | Reunion | ||
Russia | South Korea | United States | Rwanda | ||
San Marino | Sri Lanka | Saint Helena | |||
Serbia | Syria | São Tomé and Príncipe | |||
Slovakia | Taiwan | Senegal | |||
Slovenia | Tajikistan | Seychelles | |||
Spain | Thailand | Sierra Leone | |||
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Türkiye | Somalia | |||
Sweden | Turkmenistan | South Africa | |||
Switzerland | United Arab Emirates | South Sudan | |||
Ukraine | Uzbekistan | Sudan | |||
United Kingdom | Vietnam | Tanzania | |||
Vatican City | Yemen | The Gambia | |||
Togo | |||||
Tunisia | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Western Sahara | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |