The TRS37x range full-height turnstiles are designed to ensure high-security access control and management of the flow of persons.
The fruit of more than 40 years of experience, the sturdiness of their design and their total autonomy makes these full height turnstiles particularly suitable to the external security of high-traffic sensitive sites, such as industrial, sports and commercial complexes, offices, airports, power plants, amusement parks, military bases, parking facilities, etc.
The full height turnstiles in the range are bi-directional and activated manually. They can also be linked together in line. In this full height turnstile range, the TRS 370 is a single gate turnstile with 3 wings, thereby allowing users easy passage in a 120° segment.
Доступність регіону
Європа | Азія | Африка | Океанія |
Åland Islands | Afghanistan | Algeria | American Samoa |
Albania | Armenia | Angola | Australia |
Andorra | Azerbaijan | Benin | Cook Islands |
Austria | Bahrain | Botswana | Federated States of Micronesia |
Belarus | Bangladesh | Burkina Faso | Fiji |
Belgium | Bhutan | Burundi | French Polynesia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | British Indian Ocean Territory | Cameroon | Guam |
Bulgaria | Brunei | Cape Verde | Kiribati |
Croatia | Cambodia | Central African Republic | Marshall Islands |
Cyprus | China | Chad | Nauru |
Czech Republic | Christmas Island | Comoros | New Caledonia |
Denmark | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Côte d'Ivoire | New Zealand |
Estonia | Georgia | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Niue |
Faroe Islands | Hong Kong | Djibouti | Norfolk Island |
Finland | India | Egypt | Northern Mariana Islands |
France | Indonesia | Equatorial Guinea | Palau |
Germany | Iran | Eritrea | Papua New Guinea |
Gibraltar | Iraq | Eswatini | Pitcairn Islands |
Greece | Israel | Ethiopia | Samoa |
Guernsey | Japan | Gabon | Solomon Islands |
Hungary | Jordan | Ghana | Timor-Leste |
Iceland | Kazakhstan | Guinea | Tokelau |
Ireland | Kuwait | Guinea-Bissau | Tonga |
Isle of Man | Kyrgyzstan | Kenya | Tuvalu |
Italy | Laos | Lesotho | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Jersey | Lebanon | Liberia | Vanuatu |
Latvia | Macau | Libya | Wallis and Futuna |
Liechtenstein | Malaysia | Madagascar | |
Lithuania | Maldives | Malawi | |
Luxembourg | Mongolia | Mali | |
Malta | Myanmar (Burma) | Mauritania | |
Moldova | Nepal | Mauritius | |
Monaco | North Korea | Mayotte | |
Montenegro | Oman | Morocco | |
Netherlands | Pakistan | Mozambique | |
North Macedonia | Palestine | Namibia | |
Norway | Philippines | Niger | |
Poland | Qatar | Nigeria | |
Portugal | Saudi Arabia | Republic of the Congo | |
Romania | Singapore | Reunion | |
Russia | South Korea | Rwanda | |
San Marino | Sri Lanka | Saint Helena | |
Serbia | Syria | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
Slovakia | Taiwan | Senegal | |
Slovenia | Tajikistan | Seychelles | |
Spain | Thailand | Sierra Leone | |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Türkiye | Somalia | |
Sweden | Turkmenistan | South Africa | |
Switzerland | United Arab Emirates | South Sudan | |
Ukraine | Uzbekistan | Sudan | |
United Kingdom | Vietnam | Tanzania | |
Vatican City | Yemen | The Gambia | |
Togo | |||
Tunisia | |||
Uganda | |||
Western Sahara | |||
Zambia | |||
Zimbabwe |