Give your home a dramatic increase of daylight and an unparalleled feeling of openness with a VELUX dormer. Our dormer construction lifts the windows 600 mm out of the roof to increase the space underneath for furnishings and decoration. Each VELUX dormer consists of a combination of 4 or 6 roof windows.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya |
Almanya | Türkiye |
Avusturya | |
Belçika | |
Bosna Hersek | |
Bulgaristan | |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | |
Danimarka | |
Estonya | |
Fransa | |
Hırvatistan | |
Hollanda | |
İngiltere | |
İspanya | |
İsveç | |
İsviçre | |
Letonya | |
Litvanya | |
Macaristan | |
Norveç | |
Polonya | |
Romanya | |
Sırbistan | |
Slovakya | |
Slovenya |