Rexipal is the fence system for securing roads, highways, railways, sports fields, but also for small and medium-sized applications.
These posts come with a wide range of accessories and can be combined with various fencing models to cover a broad range of applications and needs. It is also possible to install rigid panels.
The key factor of this system is its rapid installation as concrete is not required and can be directly driven into the ground simply hammering it.
This affords considerable time-savings and, as a result, lower costs for labor, equipment and transport. In comparing project installation costs, the overall result is a considerable saving.
This fencing is made from electro-welded, plastic-coated wire with differentiated and octagonal shaped meshes. The vertical (linear) and horizontal (shaped) wires of the electro-welded mesh are made in zinc coated steel. Plastic coating is obtained through the exclusive sintering process “Galvaplax Process” created by Cavatorta.
Mainly for use in fencing for residential and industrial areas. Its performance is guaranteed for over 10 years if used in normal condition. Decolplax Evoluzione fencing mesh is sold in rolls of 25 m on pallets with 9 rolls each wrapped in protective recyclable polyethylene film.
Born from an original Decoplax design, this mesh has technical and structural characteristics that allows for it use in wider applications than that of standard Decoplax. Decoplax Evoluzione is an elegant fencing made up of smaller octagons, which give it added strength. It is suitable for all types of fences, including those requiring a high level of security.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Kuzey Amerika | Afrika |
Åland | Anguilla | Angola |
Almanya | Antigua ve Barbuda | Batı Sahara |
Andorra | Aruba | Benin |
Arnavutluk | Bahamalar | Botswana |
Avusturya | Barbados | Burkina Faso |
Belçika | Belize | Burundi |
Beyaz Rusya | Bermuda | Çad |
Bosna Hersek | Birleşik Devletler | Cape Verde |
Bulgaristan | Caribbean Netherlands | Cezayir |
Cebelitarık | Cayman Adaları | Cibuti |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Curaçao | Comoros |
Danimarka | Dominik | Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti |
Estonya | Dominik Cumhuriyeti | Ekvator Ginesi |
Faroe Adaları | El Salvador | Eritre |
Finlandiya | Grenada | Esvatini̇ |
Fransa | Grönland | Etiyopya |
Guernsey | Guadeloupe | Fas |
Hırvatistan | Guatemala | Fildişi Sahili |
Hollanda | Haiti | Gabon |
İngiltere | Honduras | Gambiya |
İrlanda | İngiliz Virjin Adaları | Gana |
Isle of Man | Jamaika | Gine |
İspanya | Kanada | Guinea-Bissau |
İsveç | Kostarika | Güney Afrika |
İsviçre | Küba | Güney Sudan |
İtalya | Martinique | Kamerun |
İzlanda | Meksika | Kenya |
Jersey | Montserrat | Kongo |
Karadağ | Nikaragua | Lesotho |
Kıbrıs | Panama | Liberya |
Kuzey Makedonya | Porto Riko | Libya |
Letonya | Saint Barthélemy | Madagaskar |
Liechtenstein | Saint Kitts ve Nevis | Malavi |
Litvanya | Saint Lucia | Mali |
Lüksemburg | Saint Martin | Mauritius |
Macaristan | Saint Pierre ve Miquelon | Mayotte |
Malta | Saint Vincent ve Grenadines | Moritanya |
Moldova | Sint Maarten | Mozambik |
Monako | Trinidad ve Tobago | Namibya |
Norveç | Turks ve Caicos Adaları | Nijer |
Polonya | Virjin Adaları | Nijerya |
Portekiz | Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti | |
Romanya | Reunion | |
Rusya | Ruanda | |
San Marino | Saint Helena | |
Sırbistan | São Tomé ve Príncipe | |
Slovakya | Senegal | |
Slovenya | Seychelles | |
Svalbard | Sierra Leone | |
Ukrayna | Somali | |
Vatikan | Sudan | |
Yunanistan | Tanzanya | |
Togo | ||
Tunus | ||
Uganda | ||
Zambiya | ||
Zimbabwe |