Alga Double is a large luxury washbasin with a light appearance. This is an enlarged version of the Alga model. You can appreciate at the same time delicate shape with subtle edges and comfortable usage. This luxury washbasin we made of beech wood covered with exotic wood on top. At the same time high-end quality and unique design provides luxury finish of our washbasins. Our washbasins are timelessly elegant, inimitable, natural warm. All these features are equally important for us. By buying our products you enter the elite group of people who appreciate the natural beauty of wood and the elegance of the finish, as well as the atmosphere of luxury that we offer. We aim to create exceptional products for people who are sensitive to art. Our clients will be thrilled due to sophisticated design and handcrafting that does not compromise on quality. Let our premium products inspire you to create the perfect ambience. Luxury wooden washbasin Alga Double has been distinguished by the experts of the Industrial Design Institute as well designed and are therefore recommended for the jubilee 25th edition of the Good Design 2018 competition. Good Design is a competition for the best-designed products and services available on the Polish market and the first design award in Poland awarded for twenty-five years. For more information about price and availability of our luxury washbasins feel free to contact us.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya | Afrika | Güney Amerika | Okyanusya | Kuzey Amerika |
Almanya | Afganistan | Angola | Arjantin | Avustralya | Bahamalar |
Andorra | Azerbaycan | Batı Sahara | Bolivya | Fiji | Birleşik Devletler |
Arnavutluk | Bangladeş | Benin | Brezilya | New Caledonia | Dominik Cumhuriyeti |
Avusturya | Bhutan | Botswana | Ekvador | Papua Yeni Gine | El Salvador |
Belçika | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri | Burkina Faso | Falkland Adaları (Islas Malvinas) | Solomon Adaları | Grönland |
Beyaz Rusya | Brunei Sultanlığı | Burundi | Fransız Guyanası | Timor-Leste | Guatemala |
Bosna Hersek | Çin | Çad | Guyana | Vanuatu | Haiti |
Bulgaristan | Endonezya | Cezayir | Kolombiya | Yeni Zelanda | Honduras |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Ermenistan | Cibuti | Paraguay | Jamaika | |
Danimarka | Filipinler | Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti | Peru | Kanada | |
Estonya | Filistin | Ekvator Ginesi | Şili | Kostarika | |
Finlandiya | Güney Kore | Eritre | Surinam | Küba | |
Fransa | Gürcistan | Esvatini̇ | Uruguay | Meksika | |
Hırvatistan | Hindistan | Etiyopya | Venezuela | Nikaragua | |
Hollanda | İran | Fas | Panama | ||
İngiltere | İsrail | Fildişi Sahili | Porto Riko | ||
İrlanda | Japonya | Gabon | Trinidad ve Tobago | ||
İspanya | Kamboçya | Gana | |||
İsveç | Katar | Gine | |||
İsviçre | Kazakistan | Guinea-Bissau | |||
İtalya | Kırgızistan | Güney Afrika | |||
İzlanda | Kuveyt | Güney Sudan | |||
Karadağ | Laos | Kamerun | |||
Kıbrıs | Lübnan | Kenya | |||
Kuzey Makedonya | Malezya | Kongo | |||
Letonya | Moğolistan | Lesotho | |||
Litvanya | Myanmar (Burma) | Liberya | |||
Lüksemburg | Özbekistan | Libya | |||
Macaristan | Pakistan | Madagaskar | |||
Moldova | Sri Lanka | Malavi | |||
Norveç | Suudi Arabistan | Mali | |||
Polonya | Tacikistan | Mauritius | |||
Portekiz | Tayland | Mısır | |||
Romanya | Tayvan | Moritanya | |||
Rusya | Türkiye | Mozambik | |||
Sırbistan | Türkmenistan | Namibya | |||
Slovakya | Umman | Nijer | |||
Slovenya | Ürdün | Nijerya | |||
Svalbard | Vietnam | Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti | |||
Ukrayna | Yemen | Ruanda | |||
Yunanistan | Senegal | ||||
Seychelles | |||||
Sierra Leone | |||||
Somali | |||||
Sudan | |||||
Tanzanya | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunus | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambiya | |||||
Zimbabwe |