Model :
•Heat Pump WWK 302
-Experience relaxation with warm water from a water heater with German technology. that saves energy Use renewable energy that is environmentally friendly. Aesthetic with every design and decoration perfectly. Allowing you to enjoy relaxation and feel completely relaxed.
-This building is designed in the Nature Brutalism style that blends rawness with nature harmoniously. The large pool reflects the use of hot water to create a relaxing atmosphere. As the water flows from the animated waterfall, it brings life to the place.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Asya |
Azerbaycan |
Bangladeş |
Bhutan |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
Brunei Sultanlığı |
Christmas Adası |
Çin |
Cocos Adaları |
Endonezya |
Ermenistan |
Filipinler |
Güney Kore |
Gürcistan |
Hindistan |
Hong Kong |
Japonya |
Kamboçya |
Kazakistan |
Kırgızistan |
Kuzey Kore |
Laos |
Macau |
Maldivler |
Malezya |
Moğolistan |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Nepal |
Özbekistan |
Pakistan |
Singapur |
Sri Lanka |
Tacikistan |
Tayland |
Tayvan |
Türkmenistan |
Vietnam |