With Sika Emseal SJS-FR1 -- Install Does It All--Fire-Rated, Watertight, Traffic Bearing, 100% Movement, Quiet, Non-Invasive Anchoring, UL 2079 Certified for Decks and Floors
• SJS-FR1 (1-hour rated) and SJS-FR2 (2-hour rated) are designed to provide a watertight, fire-rated, trafficable joint system in 4-inch (100mm) through 10-inch (250mm) joint openings, in decks including parking decks, stadium concourses, stadium treads and risers, and other horizontal plane applications in any structure.
• The SJS-FR SYSTEM features all of the performance advantages of the standard SJS SYSTEM and adds the significant advancement of a built-in, UL-certified fire rating.
• The SJS-FR SYSTEM is two horizontal fire-rated joints pre-assembled in parallel adjacent to an extruded composite spline. The spline is designed as the receptor for the attachment of traffic plates that bear vehicle and other loads.
• SJS-FR has been tested and certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL/ULC), to the rigors of UL 2079 for both 1-hour (SJS-FR1) and 2-hour (SJS-FR2) fire-ratings.
• The silicone-and-impregnated-foam hybrid components act to anchor the system, ensure watertightness, absorb sound, and dampen vibration.
• Fire-retardant-impregnated foam is factory pre-coated on the underside with an intumescent fireproofing material. The traffic surface and the bottom both receive a watertight silicone outer coating. The resulting composite is then factory compressed to less than its nominal size for installation into structural or other openings.
• The factory-assembled spline, bellows, and foam, are shipped with factory-attached installation hanger-bars.
• Epoxy gel adhesive is field-applied to the faces of the joint opening.
• The sealing assembly is lowered into the joint gap where it self-expands into the epoxy adhesive.
• Consecutive lengths are joined through the field-application of manufacturer-supplied, low-modulus, high-movement silicone to the spline and intersecting bellows surfaces. The fire-retardant foam ends are coated with a full layer of intumescent sealant.
• Friction fit alignment pins prevent the joins from moving during silicone cure.
• A field-applied silicone sealant band is injected at the bellows to joint substrate interface to complete the waterproofing.
• The SJS-FR joint-sealing assembly installation hanger bars are removed sequentially as coverplates are lowered over the joint and screwed to the center spline, completing the installation.
Specify the SJS-FR SYSTEM to:
- Comply with life-safety requirements
- Eliminate leaks and handle traffic and point loads at large structural expansion joints
- Reduce noise
- Eliminate hard connections to concrete
- Prevent deterioration of concrete decks
- Reduce tenant complaints
- Reduce maintenance costs
• Built-in, 1 or 2-hour fire-rating
• UL 2079 certified
• Meets the requirements of ASTM E1966, ASTM E119
and ASTM E1399
• Watertight
• Traffic durable
• Sound dampened
• Non-invasive anchoring
• Installs entirely from deck or floor above
• No utility lifts or holding labor required
• No fire blankets or gutters needed
• No obstructions at columns or under-slab obstructions from HVAC,
electrical, plumbing or mechanical materials
• Self-locating plate anchors
• Installs rapidly in new or retrofit conditions
• Fire-rated concrete decks and floors
• parking decks/car parks
• stadiums
• interior floors
• mall bridge connectors
• airports
Standard Sizes
• 4" to 10" (100 - 250mm)
Product Depth
• 6-inches (150mm)
Movement Capability
• Up to 100% Total (+50% and -50% of nominal supplied size.)
• Standard cover plate is aluminum with ADA-compliant,
flint-blasted finish. Stainless steel also available.
• Other finishes by request (contact EMSEAL)
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya | Kuzey Amerika | Afrika | Güney Amerika | Okyanusya |
Åland | Afganistan | Anguilla | Angola | Arjantin | Amerikan Samoası |
Almanya | Azerbaycan | Antigua ve Barbuda | Batı Sahara | Bolivya | Avustralya |
Andorra | Bahreyn | Aruba | Benin | Brezilya | Cook Adaları |
Arnavutluk | Bangladeş | Bahamalar | Botswana | Ekvador | Fiji |
Avusturya | Bhutan | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Falkland Adaları (Islas Malvinas) | Fransız Polinezyası |
Belçika | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri | Belize | Burundi | Fransız Guyanası | Guam |
Beyaz Rusya | British Indian Ocean Territory | Bermuda | Çad | Guyana | Kiribati |
Bosna Hersek | Brunei Sultanlığı | Birleşik Devletler | Cape Verde | Kolombiya | Kuzey Mariana Adaları |
Bulgaristan | Christmas Adası | Caribbean Netherlands | Cezayir | Paraguay | Marshall Adaları |
Cebelitarık | Çin | Cayman Adaları | Cibuti | Peru | Mikronezya Federal Devletleri |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Cocos Adaları | Curaçao | Comoros | Şili | Nauru |
Danimarka | Endonezya | Dominik | Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti | Surinam | New Caledonia |
Estonya | Ermenistan | Dominik Cumhuriyeti | Ekvator Ginesi | Uruguay | Niue |
Faroe Adaları | Filipinler | El Salvador | Eritre | Venezuela | Norfolk Adası |
Finlandiya | Filistin | Grenada | Esvatini̇ | Palau | |
Fransa | Güney Kore | Grönland | Etiyopya | Papua Yeni Gine | |
Guernsey | Gürcistan | Guadeloupe | Fas | Pitcairn Adaları | |
Hırvatistan | Hindistan | Guatemala | Fildişi Sahili | Samoa | |
Hollanda | Hong Kong | Haiti | Gabon | Solomon Adaları | |
İngiltere | Irak | Honduras | Gambiya | Timor-Leste | |
İrlanda | İran | İngiliz Virjin Adaları | Gana | Tokelau | |
Isle of Man | İsrail | Jamaika | Gine | Tonga | |
İspanya | Japonya | Kanada | Guinea-Bissau | Tuvalu | |
İsveç | Kamboçya | Kostarika | Güney Afrika | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
İsviçre | Katar | Küba | Güney Sudan | Vanuatu | |
İtalya | Kazakistan | Martinique | Kamerun | Wallis ve Futuna | |
İzlanda | Kırgızistan | Meksika | Kenya | Yeni Zelanda | |
Jersey | Kuveyt | Montserrat | Kongo | ||
Karadağ | Kuzey Kore | Nikaragua | Lesotho | ||
Kıbrıs | Laos | Panama | Liberya | ||
Kuzey Makedonya | Lübnan | Porto Riko | Libya | ||
Letonya | Macau | Saint Barthélemy | Madagaskar | ||
Liechtenstein | Maldivler | Saint Kitts ve Nevis | Malavi | ||
Litvanya | Malezya | Saint Lucia | Mali | ||
Lüksemburg | Moğolistan | Saint Martin | Mauritius | ||
Macaristan | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Pierre ve Miquelon | Mayotte | ||
Malta | Nepal | Saint Vincent ve Grenadines | Mısır | ||
Moldova | Özbekistan | Sint Maarten | Moritanya | ||
Monako | Pakistan | Trinidad ve Tobago | Mozambik | ||
Norveç | Singapur | Turks ve Caicos Adaları | Namibya | ||
Polonya | Sri Lanka | Virjin Adaları | Nijer | ||
Portekiz | Suriye | Nijerya | |||
Romanya | Suudi Arabistan | Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti | |||
Rusya | Tacikistan | Reunion | |||
San Marino | Tayland | Ruanda | |||
Sırbistan | Tayvan | Saint Helena | |||
Slovakya | Türkiye | São Tomé ve Príncipe | |||
Slovenya | Türkmenistan | Senegal | |||
Svalbard | Umman | Seychelles | |||
Ukrayna | Ürdün | Sierra Leone | |||
Vatikan | Vietnam | Somali | |||
Yunanistan | Yemen | Sudan | |||
Tanzanya | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunus | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambiya | |||||
Zimbabwe |