High-output exterior medium-throw floodlight with intelligent RGBA light
ReachElite High Output is a superior exterior luminaire for lighting mid- to large-scale structures up to 30 m (100 ft) away with a combination of tight near-field color mixing, precise optical control, and high efficiency up to 48 lm/W - an industry first. Leveraging our rich legacy of innovation and leadership in optics and LED control technology, ReachElite High Output introduces a unique LED array to the market with over 500 LEDs per 100W module, allowing close luminaire placement where fully-mixed, uniform light is important. ReachElite High Output, RGBA adds a separate amber LED which expands the color range of warmer tones - gold, yellow, and orange, as compared to RGB.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Asya |
Azerbaycan |
Bangladeş |
Bhutan |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
Brunei Sultanlığı |
Christmas Adası |
Çin |
Cocos Adaları |
Endonezya |
Ermenistan |
Filipinler |
Güney Kore |
Gürcistan |
Hindistan |
Hong Kong |
Japonya |
Kamboçya |
Kazakistan |
Kırgızistan |
Kuzey Kore |
Laos |
Macau |
Maldivler |
Malezya |
Moğolistan |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Nepal |
Özbekistan |
Pakistan |
Singapur |
Sri Lanka |
Tacikistan |
Tayland |
Tayvan |
Türkmenistan |
Vietnam |