Peerless-AV’s PLCK flat panel ceiling mount products and components utilize a 1.5" NPT pipe for versatility, support and connection. The 1.5" NPT threaded pipe makes it simple to customize each mount to your specific application. The PLCK-1 kit combines the PLCM-2 tilt box, fixed length 1.5" NPT column and 1.5' NPS coupler to easily retrofit existing installations. When combined with Peerless-AV’s PLP-UNL universal or dedicated display adaptor, it provides the perfect combination for retrofitting flat panel ceiling mounts in sports facilities, airports, lobbies or retail environments.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Kuzey Amerika |
Åland | Anguilla |
Almanya | Antigua ve Barbuda |
Andorra | Aruba |
Arnavutluk | Bahamalar |
Avusturya | Barbados |
Belçika | Belize |
Beyaz Rusya | Bermuda |
Bosna Hersek | Birleşik Devletler |
Bulgaristan | Caribbean Netherlands |
Cebelitarık | Cayman Adaları |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Curaçao |
Danimarka | Dominik |
Estonya | Dominik Cumhuriyeti |
Faroe Adaları | El Salvador |
Finlandiya | Grenada |
Fransa | Grönland |
Guernsey | Guadeloupe |
Hırvatistan | Guatemala |
Hollanda | Haiti |
İngiltere | Honduras |
İrlanda | İngiliz Virjin Adaları |
Isle of Man | Jamaika |
İspanya | Kanada |
İsveç | Kostarika |
İsviçre | Küba |
İtalya | Martinique |
İzlanda | Meksika |
Jersey | Montserrat |
Karadağ | Nikaragua |
Kıbrıs | Panama |
Kuzey Makedonya | Porto Riko |
Letonya | Saint Barthélemy |
Liechtenstein | Saint Kitts ve Nevis |
Litvanya | Saint Lucia |
Lüksemburg | Saint Martin |
Macaristan | Saint Pierre ve Miquelon |
Malta | Saint Vincent ve Grenadines |
Moldova | Sint Maarten |
Monako | Trinidad ve Tobago |
Norveç | Turks ve Caicos Adaları |
Polonya | Virjin Adaları |
Portekiz | |
Romanya | |
Rusya | |
San Marino | |
Sırbistan | |
Slovakya | |
Slovenya | |
Svalbard | |
Ukrayna | |
Vatikan | |
Yunanistan |