For exquisite viewing, Peerless-AV offers the PANA-85CEIL ceiling mount, designed exclusively for the Panasonic 85-inch TH-85PF12U and TH-85PF12E. The tilt and swivel features make it the ultimate choice when mounting the extra-large flat panel screen to the ceiling. A single extension column will hang the screen from the ceiling to a desirable height while also allowing the screen to tilt at 5, 1, 15 or 2 degrees to achieve an optimal viewing angle. A supporting cross tube holds the screen stable while the extension column adds the convenience of a full 36 degrees of swivel for perfect positioning. Installing the TH-85PF12U/E is easy, its use of keyhole slots in the adaptor plates allows simple hook-on screen attachment.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa |
Åland |
Almanya |
Andorra |
Arnavutluk |
Avusturya |
Belçika |
Beyaz Rusya |
Bosna Hersek |
Bulgaristan |
Cebelitarık |
Çek Cumhuriyeti |
Danimarka |
Estonya |
Faroe Adaları |
Finlandiya |
Fransa |
Guernsey |
Hırvatistan |
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İngiltere |
İrlanda |
Isle of Man |
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İsveç |
İsviçre |
İtalya |
İzlanda |
Jersey |
Karadağ |
Kıbrıs |
Kuzey Makedonya |
Letonya |
Liechtenstein |
Litvanya |
Lüksemburg |
Macaristan |
Malta |
Moldova |
Monako |
Norveç |
Polonya |
Portekiz |
Romanya |
Rusya |
San Marino |
Sırbistan |
Slovakya |
Slovenya |
Svalbard |
Ukrayna |
Vatikan |
Yunanistan |