Publiko produktet
mattONE 500
mattONE 500
mattONE 500
mattONE 500
mattONE 500
mattONE 500

    mattONE 500

    "mattONE® 500 with its density of 500 kg / mc is the optimal building solution for the design and construction of: 1- internal sound-insulating partitions and counter-walls; 2- fire-fighting compartments in private and public buildings, respecting the thermal requisites asked by current legislation regardless of the climates zones. The increase in density, obtained by the reduction of the inner microporosity of the blocks and, therefore, of the air volume inside the mass, also offers a material with excellent thermal performance, at the same time improving the acoustic and mechanical resistance qualities .
    • "Non-load-bearing masonry wall of autoclaved aerated concrete made by blocks of mattONE 500, produced in Italy, with CE marking in Category I compliant with the UNI EN 771-4 standard, with smooth vertical surfaces or tapped joints, linked horizontally and vertically with MALTA COLLANTE “mattONE” gray or white brick (according to EN 998-2: 2010 type T-M5), able to guarantee the specified performance, spread with a special toothed trowel. The anchoring to the load-bearing structures is made by adhesive mortar M10 (EN 998-2: 2010) Physical, mechanical and thermo-hygrometric characteristics: dimensions: thickness 5/8/10/12/15/20/25/30/36/40/42/45/50 cm, height 25 cm, length 62.5 cm gross dry density block 500 kg / mc elasticity module block E = 2200 N / mmq dimensional stability (shrinkage) ≤ 0.1 mm / m thermal conductivity λ10dry ≤ 0.119 W / mK increase in thermal conductivity ≥ 20% (UNI EN ISO 10456) water vapor diffusion coefficient μ = 5 ÷ 10 noise reduction Rw: 28/33/36/38/40/43/45/48/50/51/52/53/54 dB fire resistance El 60/120/180/240 reaction to fire Euroclass A1 "
    Teknik özellikler
    • Benzersiz ref.mattONE-500
    • Ürün ailesiwalls
    • Ürün grubuInterior
    • TipObje (Tekil Nesne)
    • Yayınlanma tarihi2018-05-22
    • Baskı numarası1
    • Yükseklik (mm)250
    • Derinlik (mm)625
    • Ana malzemeAerated concrete
    • Tasarım yeriİtalya
    • Üretim yeriİtalya
    • BIMobject kategorisiDuvarlar - Bölmeler
    • IFC sınıflandırmasıDuvar
    • UNSPSC adıBlocks
    • UNSPSC kodu301315
    • Uniclass 2015 koduPr_20_93_52_05
    • Uniclass 2015 açıklamasıAutoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) blocks
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kodu04 22 26
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 başlığıAutoclaved Aerated Concrete Unit Masonry
    • OmniClass numarası23-15 15 21
    • OmniClass başlığıWall Blocks
    • CSI UniFormat II koduC1010
    • CSI UniFormat II başlığıPartitions

    Bölge bulunurluk durumu

    San Marino