The plug & play electric fireplace for the ultimate fire and light experience
Experience an unparalleled true-to-life fire in any home and room with the E-series. Via the app and/or remote control, you tune the integrated LED strips to your interior for your own personalised eye-catcher. The E-series can be placed on any TV cabinet, enhanced with the Media Wall for the cinewall effect, or hung on any wall via the optional Design Frame.
Multiple options available
Optionally, each model of the E-series can be expanded with a Design Frame or Media Wall. Both options can be equipped with additional integrated LED strips that are incorporated into the respective lighting programs of the fireplace. This provides you with a ready-to-use fireplace solution that adds a new atmospheric dimension to your interior.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Kuzey Amerika |
Almanya | Birleşik Devletler |
Andorra | |
Arnavutluk | |
Avusturya | |
Belçika | |
Bosna Hersek | |
Bulgaristan | |
Cebelitarık | |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | |
Danimarka | |
Estonya | |
Finlandiya | |
Fransa | |
Hırvatistan | |
Hollanda | |
İngiltere | |
İrlanda | |
Isle of Man | |
İspanya | |
İsveç | |
İsviçre | |
İtalya | |
İzlanda | |
Karadağ | |
Kıbrıs | |
Kuzey Makedonya | |
Letonya | |
Liechtenstein | |
Litvanya | |
Lüksemburg | |
Macaristan | |
Malta | |
Moldova | |
Monako | |
Norveç | |
Polonya | |
Portekiz | |
Romanya | |
San Marino | |
Sırbistan | |
Slovakya | |
Slovenya | |
Ukrayna | |
Vatikan | |
Yunanistan |