Co-working space with the use of electrical appliances Versatile in any area, it is shared with others or at a conference table.
That must be neat and clean. Installation of the power rail system. The power socket from Hafele extends the function of moving up and down of large power sockets freely and sits flat on the desk surface.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Asya |
Azerbaycan |
Bangladeş |
Bhutan |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
Brunei Sultanlığı |
Christmas Adası |
Çin |
Cocos Adaları |
Endonezya |
Ermenistan |
Filipinler |
Güney Kore |
Gürcistan |
Hindistan |
Hong Kong |
Japonya |
Kamboçya |
Kazakistan |
Kırgızistan |
Kuzey Kore |
Laos |
Macau |
Maldivler |
Malezya |
Moğolistan |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Nepal |
Özbekistan |
Pakistan |
Singapur |
Sri Lanka |
Tacikistan |
Tayland |
Tayvan |
Türkmenistan |
Vietnam |