The wood and concrete designs from the Eternal de Luxe heterogeneous vinyl collection reflect current trends and have a luxurious appearance. A super realistic look and feel is created by the in register embossing and the warm and natural colour tones create a comfortable atmosphere in which you feel at home.
Eternal de Luxe Compact floors are 2 mm thick and offer the best possible residual indentation and durability. The high quality PUR lacquering provides excellent protection against scuff and scratching. Eternal de Luxe is 100% phthalate free and produced with more than 50% natural materials. All production waste is reused in the backing.
All items are available in 4 and 2 meter width.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya |
Almanya | Bahreyn |
Andorra | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri |
Avusturya | Türkiye |
Belçika | Umman |
Beyaz Rusya | Ürdün |
Bosna Hersek | |
Bulgaristan | |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | |
Danimarka | |
Estonya | |
Finlandiya | |
Fransa | |
Hırvatistan | |
Hollanda | |
İngiltere | |
İrlanda | |
Isle of Man | |
İspanya | |
İsveç | |
İsviçre | |
İtalya | |
İzlanda | |
Karadağ | |
Kıbrıs | |
Letonya | |
Liechtenstein | |
Litvanya | |
Lüksemburg | |
Macaristan | |
Malta | |
Moldova | |
Norveç | |
Polonya | |
Portekiz | |
Romanya | |
Rusya | |
San Marino | |
Sırbistan | |
Slovakya | |
Slovenya | |
Ukrayna | |
Vatikan | |
Yunanistan |