Camp is a comfortable chair for lounge areas.
The two soft cushions gently touch the enveloping armrest. These two elements are the main characteristics of the chair – effortless and yet contrasting.
The chair comes in two different back heights to offer various degrees of comfort and privacy.
This is not just a chair for sitting down, but a chair to enjoy sinking in to. Please, take a seat!
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa |
Almanya |
Arnavutluk |
Avusturya |
Belçika |
Beyaz Rusya |
Bosna Hersek |
Bulgaristan |
Çek Cumhuriyeti |
Danimarka |
Estonya |
Finlandiya |
Fransa |
Hırvatistan |
Hollanda |
İngiltere |
İrlanda |
İspanya |
İsveç |
İsviçre |
İtalya |
İzlanda |
Karadağ |
Kıbrıs |
Kuzey Makedonya |
Letonya |
Litvanya |
Lüksemburg |
Macaristan |
Moldova |
Norveç |
Polonya |
Portekiz |
Romanya |
Rusya |
Sırbistan |
Slovakya |
Slovenya |
Svalbard |
Ukrayna |
Yunanistan |