Publiko produktet
Coated copper tube

Coated copper tube

Coated (Mechanical and chemical protection) copper tube according to EN 1057 and EN 13349 - Material condition R220
Diameters: 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22mm
Thickness: 1mm
Supplied in coils

  • Sanitary, heating and gas applications
    Product in conformity with BS EN 1057 "Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating applications" and BS EN 13349 "Copper and copper alloys. Pre-insulated copper tubes with solid covering"

Teknik özellikler
  • Benzersiz ref.COP030001
  • Ürün ailesiPiping
  • Ürün grubuCoated copper tube
  • TipObje (Tekil Nesne)
  • Yayınlanma tarihi2020-01-09
  • Baskı numarası1
  • Ana malzemeBakır
  • İkincil malzemePlastik
  • BIMobject kategorisiSıhhi tesisat - Borular