Hybrid Technology
The Condair DL II combines spray and evaporative technologies to provide close control, hygienic in-duct adiabatic humidification with low operating costs.
A grid of nozzles releases a fine spray into the air stream towards a ceramic droplet evaporator. What moisture isn't immediately absorbed by the air precipitates onto this ceramic evaporator. As air flows through its porous surface, more water is absorbed by the air for highly efficient water use and droplet-free humidification.
This efficiency enables the humidifier to provide very close control at up to +/-2%RH, which is a level of control usually only achievable with steam humidification.
Hygienic operation of the humidifier is assured with use of pure reverse osmosis water, flush and drain cycles, a "Hygiene Plus" silver ionization concept, and compressed air flushing of the water lines.
Optimal process transparency
With the Condair touch controller you have all devices and process data at a glance. Functional data can be called up in real time and by using a detailed data history.
The DL II hybrid humidifier supports a variety as standard common network protocols of building technology. The connection to Modbus RTU or Modbus TCP as well as BACnet IP or BACnet MS/TP is easily made directly via the interfaces attached to the controller. The DL II has a BTL (BACnet Testing Laboratories) certified BACnet technology. This certification is carried out by an accredited BTL test laboratory and is considered a worldwide test standard in the BACnet communication. The optional gateway board can also be used to connect to a Lonworks network.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Asya | Afrika | Güney Amerika | Avrupa | Okyanusya |
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri | Angola | Arjantin | Almanya | Avustralya |
Çin | Botswana | Şili | Avusturya | Yeni Zelanda |
Endonezya | Güney Afrika | Uruguay | Belçika | |
Güney Kore | Mısır | Bulgaristan | ||
Hindistan | Mozambik | Çek Cumhuriyeti | ||
İsrail | Namibya | Danimarka | ||
Malezya | Tunus | Estonya | ||
Pakistan | Zimbabwe | Finlandiya | ||
Singapur | Fransa | |||
Suriye | Hırvatistan | |||
Suudi Arabistan | Hollanda | |||
Tayland | İngiltere | |||
Türkiye | İrlanda | |||
Ürdün | İspanya | |||
İsveç | ||||
İsviçre | ||||
İtalya | ||||
İzlanda | ||||
Letonya | ||||
Litvanya | ||||
Macaristan | ||||
Norveç | ||||
Polonya | ||||
Portekiz | ||||
Romanya | ||||
Sırbistan | ||||
Slovakya | ||||
Slovenya | ||||
Ukrayna | ||||
Yunanistan |