Steam humidifiers that exploit the heat value of gas, with the possibility of indoor and outdoor installation (IAS 12-94) for temperatures from -40 to 45°C.
Production ranges from 45 kg/h to 450 kg/h, using the latest generation CAREL controllers that meet the latest requirements of Industry 4.0.
The exclusive design of the heat exchanger ensures high efficiency (94-96%) and easy maintenance. Made from stainless steel, it guarantees long life even in heavy-duty working conditions and with both mains and demineralised water.
The price gap between gas and electricity makes gaSteam the ideal choice for more demanding applications, where steam is required for many hours a day.
Continuous modulation of steam flow-rate means this unit is also suitable for precision applications.
Easy to install, it features a room-sealed combustion chamber with premix burner and gas control valve with double safety closing; it is moreover equipped with multiple safety devices and comes with ETL and CE certification (attested by TÜV-DVGW).
The steam and flue gas outlets are pre-assembled, with constructional features to minimise the units’ footprint, allowing installation up against a wall.
gaSteam features easy and immediate configuration and operation, thanks to the graphic touchscreen display and a simple and intuitive configuration wizard.
Steam humidifiers that exploit the heat value of gas, with the possibility of indoor and outdoor installation (IAS 12-94) for temperatures from -40 to 45°C.
Production ranges from 45 kg/h to 450 kg/h, using the latest generation CAREL controllers that meet the latest requirements of Industry 4.0.
The exclusive design of the heat exchanger ensures high efficiency (94-96%) and easy maintenance. Made from stainless steel, it guarantees long life even in heavy-duty working conditions and with both mains and demineralised water.
The price gap between gas and electricity makes gaSteam the ideal choice for more demanding applications, where steam is required for many hours a day.
Continuous modulation of steam flow-rate means this unit is also suitable for precision applications.
Easy to install, it features a room-sealed combustion chamber with premix burner and gas control valve with double safety closing; it is moreover equipped with multiple safety devices and comes with ETL and CE certification (attested by TÜV-DVGW).
The steam and flue gas outlets are pre-assembled, with constructional features to minimise the units’ footprint, allowing installation up against a wall.
gaSteam features easy and immediate configuration and operation, thanks to the graphic touchscreen display and a simple and intuitive configuration wizard.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya | Kuzey Amerika | Afrika | Güney Amerika | Okyanusya |
Åland | Afganistan | Anguilla | Angola | Arjantin | Amerikan Samoası |
Almanya | Azerbaycan | Antigua ve Barbuda | Batı Sahara | Bolivya | Avustralya |
Andorra | Bahreyn | Aruba | Benin | Brezilya | Cook Adaları |
Arnavutluk | Bangladeş | Bahamalar | Botswana | Ekvador | Fiji |
Avusturya | Bhutan | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Falkland Adaları (Islas Malvinas) | Fransız Polinezyası |
Belçika | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri | Belize | Burundi | Fransız Guyanası | Guam |
Beyaz Rusya | British Indian Ocean Territory | Bermuda | Çad | Guyana | Kiribati |
Bosna Hersek | Brunei Sultanlığı | Caribbean Netherlands | Cape Verde | Kolombiya | Kuzey Mariana Adaları |
Bulgaristan | Christmas Adası | Cayman Adaları | Cezayir | Paraguay | Marshall Adaları |
Cebelitarık | Çin | Curaçao | Cibuti | Peru | Mikronezya Federal Devletleri |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Cocos Adaları | Dominik | Comoros | Şili | Nauru |
Danimarka | Endonezya | Dominik Cumhuriyeti | Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti | Surinam | New Caledonia |
Estonya | Ermenistan | El Salvador | Ekvator Ginesi | Uruguay | Niue |
Faroe Adaları | Filipinler | Grenada | Eritre | Venezuela | Norfolk Adası |
Finlandiya | Filistin | Grönland | Esvatini̇ | Palau | |
Fransa | Güney Kore | Guadeloupe | Etiyopya | Papua Yeni Gine | |
Guernsey | Gürcistan | Guatemala | Fas | Pitcairn Adaları | |
Hırvatistan | Hindistan | Haiti | Fildişi Sahili | Samoa | |
Hollanda | Hong Kong | Honduras | Gabon | Solomon Adaları | |
İngiltere | Irak | İngiliz Virjin Adaları | Gambiya | Timor-Leste | |
İrlanda | İran | Jamaika | Gana | Tokelau | |
Isle of Man | İsrail | Kostarika | Gine | Tonga | |
İspanya | Japonya | Küba | Guinea-Bissau | Tuvalu | |
İsveç | Kamboçya | Martinique | Güney Afrika | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
İsviçre | Katar | Meksika | Güney Sudan | Vanuatu | |
İtalya | Kazakistan | Montserrat | Kamerun | Wallis ve Futuna | |
İzlanda | Kırgızistan | Nikaragua | Kenya | Yeni Zelanda | |
Jersey | Kuveyt | Panama | Kongo | ||
Karadağ | Kuzey Kore | Porto Riko | Lesotho | ||
Kıbrıs | Laos | Saint Barthélemy | Liberya | ||
Kuzey Makedonya | Lübnan | Saint Kitts ve Nevis | Libya | ||
Letonya | Macau | Saint Lucia | Madagaskar | ||
Liechtenstein | Maldivler | Saint Martin | Malavi | ||
Litvanya | Malezya | Saint Pierre ve Miquelon | Mali | ||
Lüksemburg | Moğolistan | Saint Vincent ve Grenadines | Mauritius | ||
Macaristan | Myanmar (Burma) | Sint Maarten | Mayotte | ||
Malta | Nepal | Trinidad ve Tobago | Mısır | ||
Moldova | Özbekistan | Turks ve Caicos Adaları | Moritanya | ||
Monako | Pakistan | Virjin Adaları | Mozambik | ||
Norveç | Singapur | Namibya | |||
Polonya | Sri Lanka | Nijer | |||
Portekiz | Suriye | Nijerya | |||
Romanya | Suudi Arabistan | Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti | |||
Rusya | Tacikistan | Reunion | |||
San Marino | Tayland | Ruanda | |||
Sırbistan | Tayvan | Saint Helena | |||
Slovakya | Türkiye | São Tomé ve Príncipe | |||
Slovenya | Türkmenistan | Senegal | |||
Svalbard | Umman | Seychelles | |||
Ukrayna | Ürdün | Sierra Leone | |||
Vatikan | Vietnam | Somali | |||
Yunanistan | Yemen | Sudan | |||
Tanzanya | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunus | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambiya | |||||
Zimbabwe |