Surface Plus glass is a single semi-safety glass which is safer than anneal glass and its surface feels like texture with low dimensional carving. The inspiration of Nature surface plus is from nature or texture of nature which have a real surface of texture such as rock, tree, flower and wave etc.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Asya |
Azerbaycan |
Bangladeş |
Bhutan |
British Indian Ocean Territory |
Brunei Sultanlığı |
Christmas Adası |
Çin |
Cocos Adaları |
Endonezya |
Ermenistan |
Filipinler |
Güney Kore |
Gürcistan |
Hindistan |
Hong Kong |
Japonya |
Kamboçya |
Kazakistan |
Kırgızistan |
Kuzey Kore |
Laos |
Macau |
Maldivler |
Malezya |
Moğolistan |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Nepal |
Özbekistan |
Pakistan |
Singapur |
Sri Lanka |
Tacikistan |
Tayland |
Tayvan |
Türkmenistan |
Vietnam |