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Low Head Loss Stainless Steel Reduced Pressure Detector Type II Assemblies with Integral Butterfly or OSY Shutoffs - Deringer 50X/50GX
Low Head Loss Stainless Steel Reduced Pressure Detector Type II Assemblies with Integral Butterfly or OSY Shutoffs - Deringer 50X/50GX

    Low Head Loss Stainless Steel Reduced Pressure Detector Type II Assemblies with Integral Butterfly or OSY Shutoffs - Deringer 50X/50GX

    Ames Deringer™ 50X and 50GX Reduced Pressure Detector Type II Assemblies are designed to prevent non-health hazard pollutants and hazardous contaminants from entering the potable water supply system caused by backpressure and/or backsiphonage conditions. Deringer 50X features integral Eccentric-seal™ butterfly shutoff valves for a short lay length, XL body and checks for lower head loss, and Dual-action™ checks for high performance at low- and high-flow rates. Deringer 50GX has all of the same great features, but with OS&Y shutoff valves. The Type II bypass is used to monitor unauthorized water usage and is primarily required on fire sprinkler systems.

    Either may be installed under continuous pressure service to protect against both backpressure and backsiphonage. Maximum working pressure: 175psi (12 bar).

    • Features

      • Integral shutoffs for shorter lay length and lightweight construction (Deringer 50X only)
      • XL body and checks for low head loss
      • Tamper-resistant test cocks
      • Type II bypass for lower weight and simplified testing
      • Dual-action check module for low- and high-flow performance
    Teknik özellikler
    • Benzersiz ref.deringer-50x-50gx-backflow-preventer
    • Ürün ailesiPlumbing & Flow Control Solutions
    • Ürün grubuBackflow Prevention
    • TipObje (Tekil Nesne)
    • Yayınlanma tarihi2020-03-10
    • Baskı numarası1
    • Ana malzemeBronze
    • Tasarım yeriBirleşik Devletler
    • Üretim yeriBirleşik Devletler
    • BIMobject kategorisiSıhhi tesisat - Valfler
    • IFC sınıflandırmasıValf
    • UNSPSC adıValves
    • UNSPSC kodu401416
    • Uniclass 2015 koduPr_65_54_40_13
    • Uniclass 2015 açıklamasıCheck valves
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 kodu40 05 65
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 başlığıValves for Pump Control and Check Service
    • OmniClass numarası23-27 31 19
    • OmniClass başlığıCheck Valves
    • CSI UniFormat II koduC1030
    • CSI UniFormat II başlığıFittings

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