The MB-59S system is intended for realisations requiring thermal and acoustic insulation of the exterior building elements, such as: various types of windows, doors, vestibules, display windows, etc. The structural depth of the window sections is equal to 50 mm for frames and 59 mm for casements. The external surfaces of these sections lie in one surface. The structural depth of the door sections both for frames and the leafs is equal to 50 mm. This enables achieving the effect of facing the leaves with frames both from the external and the internal side.
Almost all window and door sections have a three-chamber structure, where the central chamber is the insulation chamber between thermal breaks. Thanks to such a solution it was possible to obtain slender, economical and rigid profiles. The system of connections with thermal break allows application of double-colour profiles - different on the internal and the external side of the façade. In MB-59S system, there are profiled "omega"-shaped thermal breaks, made from polyamide reinforced with fibreglass. Such a shape of thermal breaks ensures very good thermal insulation and the proper drainage from internal chambers of the profile.
The MB-59S system profiles meet the thermal requirements for material group 2.1 according to DIN 4108. Thickness of the in-fill material used therein may range from 4 mm to 40 mm in window casements, while in doors, displays and in fixed window: from 4 mm to 31 mm.
One of the basic advantages of MB-59S system is the freedom of selecting the hardware and methods of its mounting. Thanks to the applied special grooves, the door profile structure allows mounting various types of hinges, the co-called mortise hinges as well as fasteners and bolts. The door can be also outfitted with traditional surface hinges. The window sections have profiled grooves of dimensions allowing application of enveloped hardware and connecting elements in accordance with the European Union standards, intended both for aluminium and plastic windows. These solutions allow mounting the hardware produced by a majority of reputable companies.
The significant quality of the presented structure is the possibility to bend profiles and to achieve various types of arches and arch structures.
Bölge bulunurluk durumu
Avrupa | Asya | Kuzey Amerika | Afrika | Güney Amerika | Okyanusya |
Åland | Afganistan | Anguilla | Angola | Arjantin | Amerikan Samoası |
Almanya | Azerbaycan | Antigua ve Barbuda | Batı Sahara | Bolivya | Avustralya |
Andorra | Bahreyn | Aruba | Benin | Brezilya | Cook Adaları |
Arnavutluk | Bangladeş | Bahamalar | Botswana | Ekvador | Fiji |
Avusturya | Bhutan | Barbados | Burkina Faso | Falkland Adaları (Islas Malvinas) | Fransız Polinezyası |
Belçika | Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri | Belize | Burundi | Fransız Guyanası | Guam |
Beyaz Rusya | British Indian Ocean Territory | Bermuda | Çad | Guyana | Kiribati |
Bosna Hersek | Brunei Sultanlığı | Birleşik Devletler | Cape Verde | Kolombiya | Kuzey Mariana Adaları |
Bulgaristan | Christmas Adası | Caribbean Netherlands | Cezayir | Paraguay | Marshall Adaları |
Cebelitarık | Çin | Cayman Adaları | Cibuti | Peru | Mikronezya Federal Devletleri |
Çek Cumhuriyeti | Cocos Adaları | Curaçao | Comoros | Şili | Nauru |
Danimarka | Endonezya | Dominik | Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti | Surinam | New Caledonia |
Estonya | Ermenistan | Dominik Cumhuriyeti | Ekvator Ginesi | Uruguay | Niue |
Faroe Adaları | Filipinler | El Salvador | Eritre | Venezuela | Norfolk Adası |
Finlandiya | Filistin | Grenada | Esvatini̇ | Palau | |
Fransa | Güney Kore | Grönland | Etiyopya | Papua Yeni Gine | |
Guernsey | Gürcistan | Guadeloupe | Fas | Pitcairn Adaları | |
Hırvatistan | Hindistan | Guatemala | Fildişi Sahili | Samoa | |
Hollanda | Hong Kong | Haiti | Gabon | Solomon Adaları | |
İngiltere | Irak | Honduras | Gambiya | Timor-Leste | |
İrlanda | İran | İngiliz Virjin Adaları | Gana | Tokelau | |
Isle of Man | İsrail | Jamaika | Gine | Tonga | |
İspanya | Japonya | Kanada | Guinea-Bissau | Tuvalu | |
İsveç | Kamboçya | Kostarika | Güney Afrika | United States Minor Outlying Islands | |
İsviçre | Katar | Küba | Güney Sudan | Vanuatu | |
İtalya | Kazakistan | Martinique | Kamerun | Wallis ve Futuna | |
İzlanda | Kırgızistan | Meksika | Kenya | Yeni Zelanda | |
Jersey | Kuveyt | Montserrat | Kongo | ||
Karadağ | Laos | Nikaragua | Lesotho | ||
Kıbrıs | Lübnan | Panama | Liberya | ||
Kuzey Makedonya | Macau | Porto Riko | Libya | ||
Letonya | Maldivler | Saint Barthélemy | Madagaskar | ||
Liechtenstein | Malezya | Saint Kitts ve Nevis | Malavi | ||
Litvanya | Moğolistan | Saint Lucia | Mali | ||
Lüksemburg | Myanmar (Burma) | Saint Martin | Mauritius | ||
Macaristan | Nepal | Saint Pierre ve Miquelon | Mayotte | ||
Malta | Özbekistan | Saint Vincent ve Grenadines | Mısır | ||
Moldova | Pakistan | Sint Maarten | Moritanya | ||
Monako | Singapur | Trinidad ve Tobago | Mozambik | ||
Norveç | Sri Lanka | Turks ve Caicos Adaları | Namibya | ||
Polonya | Suriye | Virjin Adaları | Nijer | ||
Portekiz | Suudi Arabistan | Nijerya | |||
Romanya | Tacikistan | Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti | |||
Rusya | Tayland | Reunion | |||
San Marino | Tayvan | Ruanda | |||
Sırbistan | Türkiye | Saint Helena | |||
Slovakya | Türkmenistan | São Tomé ve Príncipe | |||
Slovenya | Umman | Senegal | |||
Svalbard | Ürdün | Seychelles | |||
Ukrayna | Vietnam | Sierra Leone | |||
Vatikan | Yemen | Somali | |||
Yunanistan | Sudan | ||||
Tanzanya | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunus | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambiya | |||||
Zimbabwe |