Our FireStar® Model 700 Rolling Steel Fire Doors provide a practical and innovative solution to safety and fire protection. FireStar® doors can be drop-tested and reset at any time by anyone, thanks to a standard auto-reset feature. This rolling steel fire door features a forward-thinking design that outperforms industry standard fire doors in all areas, including auto-reset testing capability; smooth, quiet operation; and reliable, long-lasting performance.
The revolutionary FireStar® design uses a patent-pending planetary gear on the drop-out mechanism ensuring years of reliable service and drop-out performance. Factory-tested and approved for a minimum of 20,000 cycles, the FireStar® door can be used and tested on a regular basis without concerns of premature failure. Our rolling steel fire doors have been tested and approved to meet the requirements of well-known agencies, such as Underwriters Laboratories and Factory Mutual, and conform to NFPA Standard 80.
We incorporate one standardized component design for all FireStar®* doors regardless of size, and utilize fewer parts than other models. This helps to ensure more accurate installations and reduces the possibility of potential service calls in the future.
*Doors up to 24’x24’
BIM objects are for general reference and should not be used for exact construction information. Please contact a Wayne Dalton Dealer when exact dimensions are required.
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