BLOCK HI 35/15+16 Graphite Neopor by BASF®

BLOCK HI 35/15+16 Graphite Neopor by BASF®

Formwork wood cement block with coat insulation for load bearing esternal walls. Acoustic Insulation Rw=54 dB, Fire Resistance REI 180, Thermal Trasmittance (wet condition) U=0,199 W/m²K Thermal Trasmittance (dry condition) U=0,194 W/m²K, Thermal Displacement = -13,32h

blocco cassero - blocco legno cemento - blocco mineralizzato - blocco con cappotto - blocco in legno

  • Formwork block with internal wall produced in wood and concrete with density 500 +/- 10% Kg./m3 and external wall in "EPS CLASS 200" graphite in NEOPOR density 28Kg./m3 with joints with vertical and horizontal joints with complete elimination of all thermal bridges.

    Dry cutlery staggered half a block to be thrown into the work every six courses, with double horizontal connection groove for concrete.

    The system includes special pieces such as corner and passage (joker) inside and outside, block reaching height, curb-floor block, veil block.

    The blocks comply with the regulations currently in force, such as GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS WITH BEARING PANELS BASED ON THE USE OF SLATE AND CONCRETE SLABLY REINFORCED CONCRETE BLOCKS THROWN IN WORK - Superior Council of Public Works - July 2011; CE marking in accordance with EN 15498; declaration of performance (DoP) European Regulation 305/2011 on Construction products - 1 July 2013; demonstrate thermals in reference to UNI EN 1745 - UNI EN ISO 6946 - UNI EN ISO 10456 standards; demonstrate acoustics in reference to UNI EN ISO 717 - UNI EN ISO 140 - analysis of the level of acoustic insulation of vertical partitions according to the legislative decree 05/12/1997 and UNI EN 12354-1: 2002; fire resistance test on wall loaded according to UNI EN 1365-1: 2002 as per D.M. 16/02/2007.

    blocco cassero - blocco legno cemento - blocco mineralizzato - blocco con cappotto - blocco in legno

  • Unique ref.HI-35_15_16_graphite
  • Product familySTANDARD BLOCKS
  • ประเภทวัตถุ (วัตถุชิ้นเดียว)
  • วันที่เผยเเพร่2020-11-09
  • หมายเลขฉบับ1
  • สูง (มิลลิเมตร)250
  • กว้าง (มิลลิเมตร)350
  • ความลึก (มิลลิเมตร)500
  • วัสดุหลักCement
  • วัสดุรองWood
  • ออกเเบบโดยอิตาลี
  • ผลิตโดยอิตาลี
  • หมวดหมู่ BIMobjectผนัง - ผนังภายนอก
  • IFC classificationWall
  • UNSPSC nameBlocks
  • UNSPSC code301315
  • OmniClass Number23-15 15 21
  • OmniClass TitleWall Blocks