9000XE shower mixers are a series of mixers in chrome or brushed chrome suitable for all types of showers and bathrooms. All the shower mixers have carefully balanced pressure and temperature regulation, low weight, and noise absorbing as well as energy-saving functions.
9000XE shower mixer in chrome is the successor to one of our best-selling mixers. Its design is as sophisticated as that of its predecessor, but it has been upgraded with double check valves, faster temperature regulation, lower weight and noise absorbing functions.
The product can be supplemented with a tub spout.
Chrome. 160c/c. Outlet down. Art.no: 8680-0000. RSK: 8351551.
Brushed chrome. 160c/c. Outlet down. Art.no: 8680-0003. RSK: 8351553.
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สวิตเซอร์แลนด์ |
สวีเดน |
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หมู่เกาะแฟโร |
หมู่เกาะโอลันด์ |
ออสเตรีย |
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ฮังการี |