Grinder FX by DAB s a submersible pump with shredder designed for lifting and transferring sewage water in commercial building service. Grinder FX is certified EN 12050-1. Thanks to the shredder, the pump is suitable for installations with small diameter pipes or those requiring high pressure. The shredding is in AISI 630 stainless steel. Quick-bonded resin-bonded cable gland. Ideal pump for replacements thanks to the reduced dimensions and the flanged and threaded delivery ports. Designed to allow fast maintenance thanks to a constructive solution that provides easy access to the main components of the pump. Single-phase versions with integrated capacitor available with float for automatic operation (MA) with powers up to 1,5 kW. In the three-phase versions the protection is the user's responsibility. ATEX version available for use in potentially explosive environments (ATES certifications: II2G Ex db k IIB T4 or IEC EX: Ex db IIB T4 Gb).
ยุโรป |
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ซานมาริโน |
เซอร์เบีย |
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นครรัฐวาติกัน |
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ยูเครน |
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สเปน |
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สวีเดน |
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หมู่เกาะแฟโร |
หมู่เกาะโอลันด์ |
ออสเตรีย |
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อิตาลี |
เอสโตเนีย |
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ไอร์แลนด์ |
ฮังการี |