Esybox is a patented booster system, unique in its category, with high performance, efficient, compact, easy and satisfying in the use both for the installer and the final user.
When Esybox mini is the solution for water boosting in small dwellings, Esybox offers the same advantages in collective residential applications, such as villas or condos. Wireless technology allows to set up booster sets up to 4 pumps.
The Esybox Max and Esytwin are modular waterpump booster sets designed to use with drinking water systems. It offers high efficiency, low noise and energy savings, making it ideal for residential and commercial applications. Its compact design and integrated communication systems ensure easy installation and maintenance. It is certified for safe drinking water use, ensuring reliable and clean water supply.
The Esytwin DWNL model is designed for Northern European market in accordance with DW and the DIN 1988-500 certifications.
Operating range: capacity up to 120 l/min; head up to 65 m.
Liquid temperature range: from 0°C to +35°C for domestic use for other use: from 0°C to +40°C.
Insulation: Horizontal or vertical fixed position.
Maximum operating pressure: 8 bar (800 kPa).
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