BM Gas outlet
BM Gas outlet
    Air Liquide Healthcare

    BM Gas outlet

    The BM gas outlet, designed to meet the French NF standard, is used to make quick connections to the medical gas network. It makes the medical gases which are essential for patient care more readily available.
    • - Intuitive use
      --- Optimum adaptability with 3 types of mounting: trunking, flush or surface
      --- Quick installation with its single-block structure

      - Quick and easy maintenance
      --- Only one reference for maintenance: the guide-end
      --- Marked device, guaranteeing visual traceability and therefore correct maintenance
      --- Base valve to avoid any interruption of the gas supply

      - Controlled safety and consumption
      --- Single-block design, no risk of interchanging the gases
      --- Safety notch so the medical device cannot be unlocked during use
      --- Controlled seal, no pressure loss
      --- Protective cover for safety and medical design

      - The ultimate wall outlet
      --- Single-block design: intuitive installation prevents leakage, no risk of interchanging the gases
      --- Perfect adaptability: 3 types of mounting
      --- Easy maintenance

      - Available gases O2, Air, N2O, CO2, N2, Air-800, Vacuum
      - 3 types of mounting Trunking, flush, surface
      - Nominal supply pressure 3 to 5 bar for gases, - 0.6 bar for vacuum
      - Max. pressure 10 bar
      - Max. flow rate 150 L/min for all gases and 100 L/min for vacuum
      - Inlet Copper tube ø 10 mm
      - Dimensions of hinge plate 64 mm (L) x 64 mm (l)
      - Dimensions of surface-mounted box 64 mm (L) x 64 mm (l) x 45 mm (D)
      - Weight Socket body 290 g, Housing: trunking 140 g , flush 200 g, surface 180 g
      - Mass of magnetic materials 26.1 g (MRI compatible)
      - Materials Chrome-plated brass body, nickel-plated brass tip guide, hinge plate made of plated Zamak
      - Dimensions of hinge plate 64 mm (L) x 64 mm (l)
      - Filter 60 μm for gases and 350 μm for vacuum
      - Regulatory compliance Class IIa medical device with CE 0459 marking, manufactured by Air Liquide Medical Systems S.A. ISO 9170-1 standard. Read the user manual carefully.
      - Life time 10 years

    • Unique ref.bmgasoutlet
    • Product familyMedical pipeline system
    • กลุ่มผลิตภัณฑ์Gas Outlets
    • ประเภทวัตถุ (วัตถุชิ้นเดียว)
    • วันที่เผยเเพร่2018-11-19
    • หมายเลขฉบับ1
    • สูง (มิลลิเมตร)64
    • กว้าง (มิลลิเมตร)64
    • ความลึก (มิลลิเมตร)45
    • วัสดุหลักNickel
    • วัสดุรองSteel
    • ออกเเบบโดยฝรั่งเศส
    • ผลิตโดยฝรั่งเศส
    • หมวดหมู่ BIMobjectอุปกรณ์ทางการแพทย์ - อุปกรณ์ทางการแพทย์ทั้งหมด
    • IFC classificationDistribution Flow Element
    • UNSPSC nameGas regulators
    • UNSPSC code40142201
    • Uniclass 2015 CodeCo_55_20_50
    • Uniclass 2015 DescriptionGas distribution complexes
    • OmniClass Number23-25 33 00
    • OmniClass TitleMedical Gas Products
    • CSI UniFormat II CodeD3040
    • CSI UniFormat II TitleDistribution Systems




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