Rockfon® Medicare® Plus is a tile that lives up to the high health regulations in special room types – as well as the abilities of regular Rockfon tiles (acoustics, high fire protection class, high light reflection).
It's easy to install in commonly used grid systems and comes in a full range of formats in concealed, semi-concealed and visible grid options.
Region tillgänglighet
Europa |
Åland |
Albanien |
Andorra |
Belgien |
Bosnien och Hercegovina |
Bulgarien |
Cypern |
Danmark |
Estland |
Färöarna |
Finland |
Frankrike |
Gibraltar |
Grekland |
Guernsey |
Irland |
Island |
Isle of Man |
Italien |
Jersey |
Kroatien |
Lettland |
Liechtenstein |
Litauen |
Luxemburg |
Malta |
Moldavien |
Monaco |
Montenegro |
Nederländerna |
Nordmakedonien |
Norge |
Österrike |
Polen |
Portugal |
Rumänien |
San Marino |
Schweiz |
Serbien |
Slovakien |
Slovenien |
Spanien |
Storbritannien |
Svalbard |
Sverige |
Tjeckien |
Tyskland |
Ukraina |
Ungern |
Vatikanstaten |
Vitryssland |