The relative complexity of any ductwork system passing through different fire compartments and the relevance of the system’s function in ambient as well as fire conditions can make the selection of a suitable ductwork system difficult.
Promat provides guidance on fire performance requirements and a wide range of solutions for protecting ductwork and other self supporting systems.
Region tillgänglighet
Asien | Oceanien |
Armenien | Amerikanska Samoaöarna |
Azerbajdzjan | Australien |
Bangladesh | Cooköarna |
Bhutan | Fiji |
Brittiska territoriet i Indiska oceanen | Franska Polynesien |
Brunei | Guam |
Filippinerna | Kiribati |
Georgia | Marshallöarna |
Hongkong | Mikronesiens federerade stater |
Indien | Nauru |
Indonesien | Niue |
Japan | Nordmarianerna |
Julöarna | Norfolk Island |
Kambodja | Nya Kaledonien |
Kazakstan | Nya Zeeland |
Kina | Östtimor |
Kokosöarna | Palau |
Kyrgyzstan | Papua Nya Guinea |
Laos | Pitcairn Islands |
Macao | Samoa |
Malaysia | Solomon Islands |
Maldiverna | Tokelauöarna |
Mongoliet | Tonga |
Myanmar (Burma) | Tuvalu |
Nepal | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Nordkorea | Vanuatu |
Pakistan | Wallis- och Futunaöarna |
Singapore | |
Sri Lanka | |
Sydkorea | |
Tadzjikistan | |
Taiwan | |
Thailand | |
Turkmenistan | |
Uzbekistan | |
Vietnam |