Steel stud partition and solid partition systems is covers both non loadbearing and loadbearing in commercial, industrial, institutional, residential and high rise constructions, or in the restoration of existing buildings. Promat’s internal partition systems require less material to achieve similar fire resistant level when compared to industry average wallboard partition systems.
•Time and cost effectiveness
•Slim walls
•Thermal resistance
•Impact resistance
•Acoustic performance
•Fire resistance performance
Region tillgänglighet
Asien | Oceanien |
Armenien | Amerikanska Samoaöarna |
Azerbajdzjan | Australien |
Bangladesh | Cooköarna |
Bhutan | Fiji |
Brittiska territoriet i Indiska oceanen | Franska Polynesien |
Brunei | Guam |
Filippinerna | Kiribati |
Georgia | Marshallöarna |
Hongkong | Mikronesiens federerade stater |
Indien | Nauru |
Indonesien | Niue |
Japan | Nordmarianerna |
Julöarna | Norfolk Island |
Kambodja | Nya Kaledonien |
Kazakstan | Nya Zeeland |
Kina | Östtimor |
Kokosöarna | Palau |
Kyrgyzstan | Papua Nya Guinea |
Laos | Pitcairn Islands |
Macao | Samoa |
Malaysia | Solomon Islands |
Maldiverna | Tokelauöarna |
Mongoliet | Tonga |
Myanmar (Burma) | Tuvalu |
Nepal | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
Nordkorea | Vanuatu |
Pakistan | Wallis- och Futunaöarna |
Singapore | |
Sri Lanka | |
Sydkorea | |
Tadzjikistan | |
Taiwan | |
Thailand | |
Turkmenistan | |
Uzbekistan | |
Vietnam |