Agilia® Vertical
Agilia® Vertical

    Agilia® Vertical

    Agilia Vertical is a ready mix concrete that can be used in the following applications: Vertical Structures (Including, but not limited to: Columns, walls, formliners, bridge work, exterior facades, etc) By eliminating the need for vibration, the job can not only be executed quicker, but there is a direct correlation to a safer work site due to the limited bodies working on potentially dangerous slabs. Better worksite organization; with reduced pouring points, crane handling and more efficient construction schedules around concrete placement and finishing. Structures with complex form configurations can be poured, especially where heavy reinforcement or difficult formwork accessibility is involved.

      Hormigón autocompactante para elementos verticales elaborado en central con 2h de mantenimiento de propiedades reológicas con una resistencia a compresión de 25, 30 ,35 o 40N/mm2, un tamaño máximo del árido de 12 mm para una clase de exposición tipo XC3, fluidez de 650 a 750mm, según normas vigentes.

    Teknisk specifikation
    • Unik ref.Agilia_Vertical
    • ProduktfamiljAgilia
    • ProduktgruppConcrete
    • TypByggmaterial
    • Publiceringsdatum2019-11-22
    • Edition nummer1
    • HuvudmaterialBetong
    • Sekundärt materialBetong
    • Designad iSpanien
    • Tillverkad iSpanien
    • BIMobjektkategoriByggnadsmaterial - Betong
    • IFC klassificeringMaterial
    • UNSPSC namnConcrete and mortars
    • UNSPSC kod301115
    • Uniclass 2015 kodPr_20_31_16_76
    • Uniclass 2015 beskrivningSelf-compacting concretes
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Kod03 00 00
    • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitelConcrete
    • OmniClass nummer23-13 15 11
    • OmniClass TitelConcretes

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