Planters in line with the Green Furniture seating. Can serve as corners, connectors dividers and turning joints in a bench formation. Seamless and modular, and with curvature of choice just like the seating.
The Planters of solid metal accessories are designed with the Green Furniture Concept bench series Nova C and IOU in mind, but also work very well as stand-alone products.
Here is a few benefits of indoor plants:
Reducing carbon dioxide levels
Increasing humidity
Reducing levels of certain pollutants, such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide
Reducing airborne dust levels
Keeping air temperatures down
Material: Powder coated steel (color of choice)
Can be equipped with Mona Plant System on request.
Region tillgänglighet
Europa | Asien | Nordamerika |
Åland | Armenien | Kanada |
Albanien | Azerbajdzjan | USA |
Andorra | Bangladesh | |
Belgien | Bhutan | |
Bosnien och Hercegovina | Brittiska territoriet i Indiska oceanen | |
Bulgarien | Brunei | |
Cypern | Filippinerna | |
Danmark | Georgia | |
Estland | Hongkong | |
Färöarna | Indien | |
Finland | Indonesien | |
Frankrike | Japan | |
Gibraltar | Julöarna | |
Grekland | Kambodja | |
Guernsey | Kazakstan | |
Irland | Kina | |
Island | Kokosöarna | |
Isle of Man | Kyrgyzstan | |
Italien | Laos | |
Jersey | Macao | |
Kroatien | Malaysia | |
Lettland | Maldiverna | |
Liechtenstein | Mongoliet | |
Litauen | Myanmar (Burma) | |
Luxemburg | Nepal | |
Malta | Nordkorea | |
Moldavien | Pakistan | |
Monaco | Singapore | |
Montenegro | Sri Lanka | |
Nederländerna | Sydkorea | |
Nordmakedonien | Tadzjikistan | |
Norge | Taiwan | |
Österrike | Thailand | |
Polen | Turkmenistan | |
Portugal | Uzbekistan | |
Rumänien | Vietnam | |
Ryssland | ||
San Marino | ||
Schweiz | ||
Serbien | ||
Slovakien | ||
Slovenien | ||
Spanien | ||
Storbritannien | ||
Svalbard | ||
Sverige | ||
Tjeckien | ||
Tyskland | ||
Ukraina | ||
Ungern | ||
Vatikanstaten | ||
Vitryssland |