ZN1400 Light-Duty Adjustable Floor Cleanout

ZN1400 Light-Duty Adjustable Floor Cleanout

The Z1400 adjustable floor cleanout, with gas and watertight ABS tapered thread plug and round scoriated cast iron extra heavy-duty secured top comes in Cast Iron (Z), Polished Bronze (ZB), Nickel Bronze (ZN), and Stainless Steel (ZS) top options that are adjustable to the finished floor. This cleanout is compatible with inside caulk, No-Hub, and Neo-Loc connection types, and is easily installed in any type of floor. Cleanout is supplied with a foam thread protector to keep threads clean prior to and during final concrete pour.

Using an RFA Family with Type Catalog:

Please download and save the type catalog, TXT, in the same location as the RFA family. In a Revit project or template, select the Insert tab from the Library panel, Load Family. Navigate to the location of the RFA and TXT files and select the family RFA to load.

  • Dura-Coated cast iron body with polished bronze, nickel bronze, and stainless steel top options
  • Compatible with inside caulk, No-Hub and Neo-Loc connection types
  • Adjustable type, extra heavy-duty cleanout

Additional Model Available

ZN1400-T, ZN1400-Z

Keywords: zurn z1400, zurn floor cleanout, zurn floor drain extension, zurn wall cleanout, cleanout extension, ground level cleanout, zurn clean out, Adjustable Floor Cleanout, ABS Tapered Thread Plug, Foam Thread Protector, Clean Threads, Concrete Pour

  • Using an RFA Family with Type Catalog:

    Please download and save the type catalog, TXT, in the same location as the RFA family. In a Revit project or template, select the Insert tab from the Library panel, Load Family. Navigate to the location of the RFA and TXT files and select the family RFA to load.

Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikezurn-zn1400
  • Familja e produkteveCleanouts
  • Grupi i produkteveCast Iron Body
  • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
  • Data e botimit2011-04-01
  • Numri i botimit3
  • Gjatësia (inçet)5
  • Gjerësia (inçet)6
  • Thellësisë (inçet)6
Të ngjashme
  • Materiali kryesorCast iron
  • Projektuar nëShtetet e Bashkuara
  • Pesha Net (Lbs)7
  • Kategoria BIMobjectPajisje hidraulike - Kullim