Zurn Z1400-BZ1-DP cleanout, Dura-Coated cast iron body with gas and water tight cleanout plug, stainless steel deck plate, and top assembly. EZ1 drainage series is engineered to simplify product installation, comprised of concrete shield to provide up to 1” [25] of vertical post pour adjustment, pre-packaged shims for tilt correction , and integrated, self-contained “Type B” light duty scoriated cover with rough-in cover for protection during concrete pour. Cleanout is designed in accordance with ASME A112.36.2M.
Keywords: zurn z415, zurn z415 bz1, Floor drain, Shower Drain, EZ1 Technology, Deck Plate, Dura-Coated Cast Iron, Integrated Engineering, drain installation, Drain Cleanouts, Floor Cleanouts, Deckplate, cleanout plug, stainless steel deck plate, EZ1 drainage, tilt correction, Galvanized Cast Iron