MOONLINE is a revolutionary product.
Behind formal research lies the will to review the actual concept of “fencing”: no longer a mere element to separate the inside from the outside, MOONLINE creates uninterrupted spaces.
Architecture and design extend from the interior to the exterior transforming it into a minimalist “place of communication”; linear designs are dotted with luminous posts and LED technology is applied according to the latest car design trends.
The integrated and modular MOONLINE system is the maximum expression of the “made in Italy” label and the result of Cavatorta’s know how; MOONLINE is a new way of protecting your spaces: light outlines the contour becoming a safety element (it can be integrated with other systems thanks to the “active” posts).
A selection of shapes, colours and light intensities is available for a system in harmony with architectural structures and personal tastes. Beautiful during the day and fascinating at night. Always safe. MOONLINE, never seen before.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Europe | North America | Africa |
Åland Islands | Anguilla | Afrika e Jugut |
Andorra | Antigua dhe Barbuda | Algjeri |
Austri | Aruba | Angolë |
Belgjikë | Bahamas | Benin |
Bjellorusi | Barbados | Botsvanë |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Belize | Burkina Faso |
Bulgari | Bermuda | Burundi |
Danimarkë | Dominica | Çad |
Estoni | El Salvador | Cape Verde |
Finlandë | Grenada | Côte d'Ivoire |
Francë | Grenlandë | Djibouti |
Gërnzi | Guadeloupe | Eritrea |
Gjermani | Guatemala | Eswatini |
Gjibraltar | Haiti | Ethiopia |
Greqi | Honduras | Gabon |
Holandë | Ishujt e Virgjër Britanikë | Gambia |
Hungari | Ishujt e Virgjër të SHBA | Gana |
Irlandë | Ishujt Kajman | Guine |
Ishujt Faroe | Kanadë | Guinea Ekuatoriale |
Ishulli i Njeriut | Karaibe Holandë | Guinea-Bissau |
Islandë | Kolektiviteti i Shën Martinit | Kamerun |
Itali | Kosta Rika | Kenya |
Jersey | Kubë | Komora |
Kroacia | Kuraçao | Lesoto |
Letoni | Martinique | Liberi |
Liechtenstein | Meksikë | Libi |
Lituani | Montserrat | Madagaskar |
Luksemburg | Nikaragua | Malawi |
Mali i Zi | Panama | Mali |
Maltë | Porto Riko | Marok |
Maqedonia e Veriut | Republika Domenikane | Mauritius |
Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Saint-Barthélemy | Mavritani |
Moldovë | Shën Kitts dhe Nevis | Mayotte |
Monaco | Shën Lucia | Mozambik |
Norvegji | Shën Pierre dhe Miquelon | Namibia |
Poloni | Shën Vincent dhe Grenadinet | Niger |
Portugali | Shtetet e Bashkuara | Nigeri |
Qipro | Sint Maarten | Republika Demokratike e Kongos |
Qyteti i Vatikanit | Trinidad dhe Tobago | Republika e Afrikës Qendrore |
Republika Çeke | Turks dhe Caicos Islands | Republika e Kongos |
Rumani | Xhamaika | Reunion |
Rusi | Rwanda | |
San Marino | Sahara Perëndimore | |
Serbia | São Tomé dhe Príncipe | |
Shqipëri | Senegal | |
Sllovenia | Seychelles | |
Slovakia | Shën Helena | |
Spanjë | Sierra Leone | |
Suedi | Somalia | |
Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | Sudan | |
Switzerland | Sudanin Jugor | |
Ukrainë | Tanzania | |
Togo | ||
Tunizi | ||
Uganda | ||
Zambia | ||
Zimbabwe |