Thermostatically controlled radiator valves and lockshields are empolyed for controlling the temperature and flow in heating terminals such as radiators and towelrails, favouring a correct and efficient functioning and guaranteeing energy saving.
They have a double function:
- The thermostatically controlled valve is installed on the delivery circuit of the radiator and has the function of controlling the temperature of the fluid.
- The lock shield is installed on the return circuit of the radiator and has the function of controlling the flow of the fluid.
They can be installed exclusively with the cap in horizontal position, always respecting the indication of the flow reported on the valve.
Thermostatic controlled valve and angle lock shield, Male thread UNI ISO 228.
Available in chrome-plated version [C] with thermostatic head and O-RING seal
Wide range available, for any installation and connection from:
Pipes G1/2"x16 and G3/4"x18
Radiator connection G3/8" (DN10) and G1/2"(DN15).
Available in the following versions:
Art. 3301 Thermostatically controlled valve (delivery)
Art. 3331 Lock shield for radiators (return)
Production range:
Art. 3388K Thermostatically controlled valve double pipe, Male thread
Art. 3391BY Double pipe distributor with by-pass
Related products:
Art. 9553 Thermostatic valve
Art.0200 High density Pe-X pipe with anti-oxygen barrier (EVOH)
Art.1716 Press fitting for Pe-X pipe, connections G1/2"x16 e G3/4”x18 (Euroconus)
Art.1435 Compression fitting for Pe-X pipe, connections G1/2"x16
Art.1436 Compression fitting for Pe-X pipe, connections G3/4”x18 (Euroconus)
Art. 0600 Pe-X pipe with Aluminium coil
Art.1668 Press fitting for multi-layer pipe, connections G1/2"x16
Art.1666 Press fitting for multi-layer pipe, connections G3/4”x18 (Euroconus)
Art.1635 Press fitting for multi-layer pipe, connections G1/2"x16
Art.1636 Press fitting for multi-layer pipe, connections G3/4”x18 (Euroconus)
Art. 1822 - 1832 Modular manifold "NINO" with ball valve
Art. 1866K - 1868K - 1877K50 Modular manifold "MAXIMA" with stop valves
Art. 1883 - 1884 - 1885 Modular manifold "LINEARE"
Art. 1905 - 1906 Modular manifold "COMPLANARE"
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