MOKUPURA Board/Louver
MOKUPURA Board/Louver

    MOKUPURA Board/Louver

    Easily Achieve a Wood-Look Fence on a Low Budget

    • Utilizing polystyrene, it is more resistant to decay from drying, rain, and humidity compared to natural wood, ensuring longevity.
    • Achieve a price nearly half that of aluminum of the same size, expanding its applicability with its low cost.
    • Cutting and screwing, akin to natural wood, can be easily done with saws, sanders, etc., making it ideal for board fence materials.
    • 1.MOKUPURA Board Flat board 10×140 Gap of 10


       COLOR:Cocoa Black|Dark Pine|Brown Ebony|Natural Pine

      2.MOKUPURA Board Louver 35×120


       COLOR:Cocoa Black|Dark Pine|Brown Ebony|Natural Pine

    Specifikime teknike
    • Referencë unikemokupura-board-louver
    • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
    • Data e botimit2024-05-14
    • Numri i botimit1
    • Kategoria BIMobjectPeizazh - Rrethim me gardh