The fire curtain system Fire PROtec EI 60 C2 MARC is a fully insulating fire barrier for more than 60 minutes. The Fire PROtec EI 60 MARC is approved for EI 60 and CE certified according EN 16034 - after the installation the system receives the CE marking and the Declaration of Performance.
Fire resistance of 60 minutes
Beside the high protection class the fire curtain offers a big flexibility for the installation. Beside the known wall-mounting it can also be installed in the reveal. The main part of the Fire PROtec EI MARC is the multiple layer silicone coated fabric with insulating material. It has been tested for more than 10,000 cycles (C2) and fulfills all requirements for being a fire barrier. With this insulating feature the system and be used in any kind of escape route or for separating fire zones.
The wind up is done by a 230 V AC internal tubular motor or depending on size by a 400 V AC external motor. To keep the curtain on top the motor has an internal magnet with a connected certified control panel.
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