Submersible spotlight with intelligent RGB light
C-Splash 2 is an ultra-thin, submersible luminaire designed to provide vibrant color and color-changing light in water to a depth of 4.6 m (15 ft). With its watertight cast brass housing and silicon bronze adjusting hardware, C-Splash 2 is perfect for water-based applications such as fountains and theme park installations, as well as harsh environments.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Asia |
Armeni |
Azerbaixhan |
Bangladesh |
Brunei |
Butan |
Filipinet |
Gjeorgji |
Hong Kong |
Indi |
Indonezi |
Ishujt Cocos (Keeling) |
Japoni |
Kamboxhi |
Kazahstan |
Kinë |
Kirgistan |
Korea e jugut |
Korea e Veriut |
Krishtlindje Island |
Laos |
Macau |
Malazi |
Maldives |
Mongoli |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Neoal |
Pakistan |
Singapore |
Sri Lanka |
Taiwan |
Tajlandë |
Taxhikistan |
Territori Britanik i Oqeanit Indian |
Turkmenistan |
Uzbekistan |
Vietnam |