Hybrid solution, combining the advantages of a sliding door with the performance of a window. Opens by internal dislodgement of 6 mm and then the opening part slides in parallel with the fixed part. Its patented central sealing system guarantees exceptional water-tightness performance – up to 4 times better than a traditional sliding door.
Great ease of use, due at innovative in its secure microventilation system.
DESIGN • Visible or concealed opening • Concealed hardware • Concealed drainage
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Asia | Europe |
Arabia Saudite | Belgjikë |
Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe | Danimarkë |
Irak | Estoni |
Izrael | Finlandë |
Jemen | Holandë |
Jordan | Irlandë |
Liban | Letoni |
Oman | Lituani |
Palestinë | Luksemburg |
Qatar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar |
Siria | Norvegji |
Turqi | Poloni |
Portugali | |
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