Permanent Warning Line System
Permanent Warning Line System

    Permanent Warning Line System

    EnduraLine Mobile is our most robust warning line system yet for permanent demarcation of hazardous areas. Cast iron base plates, steel stanchions, and plastic-coated galvanized cable with aluminum pennants means the EnduraLine warning line system is built for long-term exposure to the elements.

    One of the most common applications of the EnduraLine System is to set it up 15 feet from the roof edge. This keeps workers 15 feet away from the fall hazard. Any closer to the roof edge, and you will need to install fall protection devices such as the SRC 360 Mobile Safety Railing System. When you have large areas of roof to cover, a combination of EnduraLine Warning Lines and SRC 360 Mobile Safety Railings will provide a comprehensive fall protection solution for your roof.

     The minimum OSHA requirement for warning line is that they be placed 15’ feet or more away from a leading edge. Any closer to the leading edge, and fall protection railings or other fall protection devices must be provided. EnduraLine combined with our SRC 360 Mobile Rail answer both requirements and provide a complete, comprehensive, OSHA-compliant perimeter guarding solution.


    • • Enduraline Warning Lines provide a visual warning of fall hazard. They are not fall protection simply a visual warning.

      • Meets OSHA 1910.29 & 1926.502

      • Stanchions are 39" tall and typically placed at 25' apart.

      • Flagged line is 1/8" galvanized wire rope with plastic coating exceeds 500 lb. tensile strength with pennants placed every 6' apart.

      • Integrates with SRC360 Mobile Railing System to form a complete enclosure on roof

    Specifikime teknike
    • Referencë unikePermanent-Warning-Line-System
    • Familja e produkteveVisual Warning Lines
    • Grupi i produktevePermanent Warning Lines
    • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
    • Data e botimit2021-12-13
    • Numri i botimit1
    • Gjatësia (inçet)39
    Të ngjashme
    • Projektuar nëShtetet e Bashkuara
    • Prodhuar nëShtetet e Bashkuara
    • Kategoria BIMobjectNdërtim - Gilindera
    • IFC classificationGilindera
    • OmniClass Number23-17 25 11 11 17
    • OmniClass TitleRailing

    Rajoni i disponueshëm

    North America
    Shtetet e Bashkuara