Sussex Scala Mixer Tap Handshower System Chrome (3 Star)
Sussex Scala Mixer Tap Handshower System Chrome (3 Star)

    Sussex Scala Mixer Tap Handshower System Chrome (3 Star)

    Designed to amplify beauty in the bathroom, the Scala Mixer Handshower System and its sleek handshower and classic pin lever design is a modern and minimal addition to the contemporary bathroom, with Masterfit system for ease of installation.
    Specifikime teknike
    • Referencë unike2262935
    • Familja e produkteveSussex
    • Grupi i produkteveScala
    • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
    • Data e botimit2023-12-19
    • Numri i botimit1
    Të ngjashme
    • Materiali kryesorTunxh
    • Kategoria BIMobjectSanitar - Rubinet & Miksera

    Rajoni i disponueshëm
