Henkel Polybit Polyproof Ultra FB Pre Applied System

Henkel Polybit Polyproof Ultra FB Pre Applied System

Polyproof Ultra Plus is a fully-bonded, pre-applied, highperformance HDPE based waterproofing membrane with  a reactive inorganic fine granular finish. The membrane is designed to form a chemical and mechanical bond with the freshly poured concrete, effectively becoming an integral part of the structure.

Fields of application include underground concrete structures such as:

- Basements

- Below rafts

- Retaining walls

- Infrastructural applications (tunnels and bridges)

  • Characteristics:

    - Loosely laid membrane that remains independent of structural movements and settlements

    - Cold-applied, easy, and quick to install, no priming required

    - Chemical bond of pressure sensitive adhesive with concrete

    - Mechanical adhesion through granular sand finish

    - Effectively prevents lateral water migration

    - Provides a water and moisture barrier

    - Allows for immediate foot traffic on site

    - Temporarily UV resistant during application and steel works (45 days during hot climate)

    - Excellent resistance to chemical acids, alkalis, salts, and other corrosive materials

    - White solar-reflective surface


    1. Polyproof Ultra Plus: Fully-bonded, sand coated, pressure sensitive HDPE pre-applied, single layer loosely laid membrane for substructural waterproofing application.

    2. Polyproof Ultra Plus TS: single-sided, self-adhesive tape with sanded finish. The carrier is coated with a pressure sensitive adhesive with excellent adhesion to the Polyproof Ultra Plus membrane.

    3. Polyproof Ultra TSD: Polyproof Ultra TSD is a double-sided, self-adhesive HDPE tape. The carrier is coated with a pressure sensitive adhesive on both sides with excellent adhesion to the Polyproof Ultra Plus membrane.

    4. Polyproof EPU: cold-applied, elastomeric, two-component hybrid polyurethane-based sealing compound, designed for detailing and repairing the Polyproof Ultra FB system and for filling imperfections on concrete surfaces.

    5. Polyseal 1PU: Highly flexible, non-staining paintable one part polyurethane joint sealant with excellent recovery.

    System specification:

    - Membrane thickness, mm: min 1.2 (ASTM D 3767)

    - Tensile strength [N/mm2]: >28 (ASTM D 412)

    - Peel adhesion to freshly poured concrete, [N/mm]: >2.5 (ASTM D 903)

    - Tear strength, [kN/m]: >130 (ASTM D 624)

    - Lap peel adhesion, [N/mm]: >1.3 (ASTM D 1876)

    - Puncture resistance, [N]: >1100 (ASTM E 154)

    - Elongation at break, [%] >730 (ASTM D 412)

    - Hydrostatic pressure resistance at the joints, [12bar or (120m)], No leakage (ASTM D 5385)

    - Lateral water migration resistance @ [12bar or (120m)], Pass (ASTM D 5385)

    - Low temperature flexibility @ -25ºC (ASTM D 1970)

Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikepolyproof-ultra-fb-preapplied
  • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
  • Data e botimit2023-12-18
  • Numri i botimit1
Të ngjashme
  • Materiali kryesorHigh-density polyethylene (HDPE)
  • Projektuar nëEmiratet e Bashkuara Arabe
  • Prodhuar nëEmiratet e Bashkuara Arabe
  • Kategoria BIMobjectMateriale ndërtimi - Hidroizolues & Membrane
  • IFC classificationElement ndërtimi
  • Uniclass 2015 CodeSs_32_80
  • Uniclass 2015 PërshkrimWaterproofing and tanking systems
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code07 10 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleDampproofing and Waterproofing
  • OmniClass Number23-13 25 17
  • OmniClass TitleWaterproofing
  • CSI UniFormat II CodeA10

Rajoni i disponueshëm

Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe