Antiwind terminal, CE certified product in according with EN 1856-2, is a system in Polished Stainless Steel for removal of the combustion products from condensation boilers, Kitchen and solid (Pellet - Wood) and liquid fuel. Produced in 80-100-120-130-140-150-160-180-200-220-250 mm diameters. This new system, composed of circular modular elements, resists positive pressure with seal (5000 Pa - H1, H2) and without seal (200 Pa - P1). The OLIflex S.P. Inox system is used principally for both the discharge of the products of combustion from domestic and industial boilers, wood and pellet stoes and fireplaces. S.P. Inox is resistant to the soot fire (G) and the maximum operating temperature is T 600° and the product must guarantee a perfect seal against acidic condensation (corrosion class V2) in dry and wet conditions.
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Asia | Europe | Africa | South America | Oceania | North America |
Afganistan | Austri | Afrika e Jugut | Argjentinë | Australi | Bahamas |
Arabia Saudite | Belgjikë | Algjeri | Bolivi | Fiji | Belize |
Armeni | Bjellorusi | Angolë | Brazil | Ishujt Solomon | El Salvador |
Azerbaixhan | Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë | Benin | Ekuador | Kaledonia e Re | Grenlandë |
Bangladesh | Bulgari | Botsvanë | Guiana franceze | Papua Guinea e Re | Guatemala |
Brunei | Danimarkë | Burkina Faso | Guyana | Timor-Leste | Haiti |
Butan | Estoni | Burundi | Ishujt Falkland (Islas Malvinas) | Vanuatu | Honduras |
Emiratet e Bashkuara Arabe | Finlandë | Çad | Kili | Zelanda e Re | Kanadë |
Filipinet | Francë | Côte d'Ivoire | Kolumbi | Kosta Rika | |
Gjeorgji | Gjermani | Djibouti | Paraguaj | Kubë | |
Indi | Greqi | Egjipt | Peru | Meksikë | |
Indonezi | Holandë | Eritrea | Suriname | Nikaragua | |
Irak | Hungari | Eswatini | Uruguay | Panama | |
Iran | Irlandë | Ethiopia | Venezuela | Porto Riko | |
Izrael | Islandë | Gabon | Republika Domenikane | ||
Japoni | Itali | Gambia | Shtetet e Bashkuara | ||
Jemen | Kroacia | Gana | Trinidad dhe Tobago | ||
Jordan | Letoni | Guine | Xhamaika | ||
Kamboxhi | Lituani | Guinea Ekuatoriale | |||
Kazahstan | Luksemburg | Guinea-Bissau | |||
Kinë | Mali i Zi | Kamerun | |||
Kirgistan | Maqedonia e Veriut | Kenya | |||
Korea e jugut | Mbretëria e Bashkuar | Lesoto | |||
Korea e Veriut | Moldovë | Liberi | |||
Kuveit | Norvegji | Libi | |||
Laos | Poloni | Madagaskar | |||
Liban | Portugali | Malawi | |||
Malazi | Qipro | Mali | |||
Mongoli | Republika Çeke | Marok | |||
Myanmar (Burma) | Rumani | Mavritani | |||
Neoal | Rusi | Mozambik | |||
Oman | Serbia | Namibia | |||
Pakistan | Shqipëri | Niger | |||
Palestinë | Sllovenia | Nigeri | |||
Qatar | Slovakia | Republika Demokratike e Kongos | |||
Siria | Spanjë | Republika e Afrikës Qendrore | |||
Sri Lanka | Suedi | Republika e Kongos | |||
Taiwan | Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen | Rwanda | |||
Tajlandë | Switzerland | Sahara Perëndimore | |||
Taxhikistan | Ukrainë | Senegal | |||
Turkmenistan | Sierra Leone | ||||
Turqi | Somalia | ||||
Uzbekistan | Sudan | ||||
Vietnam | Sudanin Jugor | ||||
Tanzania | |||||
Togo | |||||
Tunizi | |||||
Uganda | |||||
Zambia | |||||
Zimbabwe |