Procenter Specialty Cabinet-Mounted Delivery Unit

Procenter Specialty Cabinet-Mounted Delivery Unit

Count on the quality and reliability you’ve come to expect with the Midmark Procenter brand. With its small, compact size, this delivery unit has been specifically designed to fit your needs and be a standard delivery offering for our Artizan® Pedo Benches and Ortho Cabinets/Carts, in addition to custom applications.

Cabinet-Mounted Control Tray

Compact cabinet-mounted control tray is configured to offer both a right-hand and left-hand option.

Kink Valve® Technology

Midmark-patented Kink Valve technology provides an exceptional level of reliability and control, backed with a 10-year limited warranty.

Work Surfaces

The cabinet countertops allow you to keep all of your tools in one central location that is easily accessible and can be removed from sight when needed.

    1. Kink Valve technology
    2. Straight 4-hole handpiece tubing
    3. Autoclavable syringe on instrument unit
    4. Individual water-volume needle-valve adjustment
    5. Individual air-pressure needle-valve adjustment
    6. Wet/dry foot control with signal relay
    7. Handpiece exhaust oil collector
    8. Handpiece flush system
Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikemidmark-procenter-cabinetmount
  • Familja e produkteveDental Equipment
  • Grupi i produkteveProcenter Delivery System
  • LlojiObjekt (një objekt të vetëm)
  • Data e botimit2020-12-11
  • Numri i botimit1
Të ngjashme
  • Materiali kryesorMetal
  • Materiali dytësorPlastik
  • Projektuar nëShtetet e Bashkuara
  • Prodhuar nëShtetet e Bashkuara
  • Kategoria BIMobjectMjekësi - Të gjitha
  • IFC classificationMobilje
  • Uniclass 2015 CodePr_40_50_51_22
  • Uniclass 2015 PërshkrimDental chairs
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 Code11 74 00
  • CSI MasterFormat 2014 TitleDental Equipment
  • OmniClass Number23-25 17 13
  • OmniClass TitleDental Equipment
  • CSI UniFormat II CodeE

Rajoni i disponueshëm

North America
Shtetet e Bashkuara