The German Design Award is one of the most prestigious design awards and enjoys a high standing worldwide. The EmotionCube®Wine won Gold in the category “Excellent Product Design – Retail”.
The jury’s verdict: The EmotionCube®Wine is a wine cabinet with futuristic looks and, thanks to the use of liquid crystal glazing (PDLC), a fascinating eye-catcher in any interior. All over the world, people appreciate and enjoy fine wine. In the high-end restaurant and hospitality business with its discerning clientele, and increasingly on the part of private wine lovers, too, it is therefore only natural that more and more importance is being attached to presenting exquisite wines in an elegant setting that also guarantees optimum storage. This is where METEK comes in.
A specialist in perfect workmanship in glass and metal, METEK develops elegant climate-controlled cabinets that are state-of-the-art technology and design.
With the EmotionCube®Wine, METEK now offers its first walk-in climate-controlled wine cabinet. Special glass is used to protect the sensitive wines from the effects of UV light. It is fully air-conditioned and operates with continuous humidity control. This ensures ideal storage conditions for noble wines.
The programmable LED lighting and unobtrusive shelving give the impression of wine bottles floating unsupported. With its unique design and lighting effects, the elegant EmotionCube®Wine offers visible added value for wine lovers and the restaurant and hospitality trade.
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