Part numbers: DJS0033, DJS0033C, DJS0033CS & DJS0033B
Hand-operated spray soap dispenser of 1.5 L capacity, manufactured in stainless steel AISI 304 0.8 mm thick, to be installed directly on the wall.
Available in three finishes (white, bright and satin) these soap dispenser models have a functional, robust and trendy design that matches the new range of Mediclinics bathroom accessories. This allows this soap dispenser to blend into any space perfectly.
With a net weight of 1.25 Kg these soap dispensers have an inner plastic tank that prevents oxidation and that can be easily removed for cleaning and disinfection purposes.
This entire range of soap dispensers is equipped with an anti-drip corrosion resistant valve that dispenses 0.8 ml of soap per service. This anti-drip valve is easily interchangeable with the valves of the other soap dispensers of the same line.
In addition, these soap dispensers have a soap content level display in the front part that constantly indicates the level of soap available inside the soap dispenser.
It is recommended to use spray soaps with a maximum density of 0.8 kg/dm3 and a maximum of alcohol content of 85 %.
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