Maxxon Commercial Isolate

Maxxon Commercial Isolate

Maxxon® Commercial Isolate is a two-part, water-based epoxy that prevents the migration of moisture vapor and abatement chemicals out of the concrete slab. It is designed to create an isolating barrier to protect flooring systems from chemically-abated slabs. Maxxon Commercial Isolate can also be used over chemically-abated concrete, old adhesives cutback, asphalt-based products, old, non-water-soluble adhesives, well secured VAT, VCT and/or ceramic tiles, and other solid surfaces. Capped with a Maxxon® underlayment system, Maxxon Commercial Isolate provides a permanent barrier protecting the flooring.

  • Technical Data

    VOC<35 g/L
    Packaging4 gal. (15.1 L)
    Storage TemperatureStore in a cool 50 - 80 °F (10 - 26.7 °C), dry area out of direct sunlight
    Coverage150 ft2/gal (3.7 m2/L;
    600 ft2 (55.7 m2)/kit
    ColorRed matte finish
    Dry Time4-6 hours
    Installation Temperature40 – 90 °F (4.4 – 32 °C)
    Concrete Surface Temperaturebuilding interior and floor should be maintained between 40 °F (4.4 °C) and 90 °F (32 °C) for at least 24 hours prior to installation and until Maxxon Commercial Isolate has dried
    Shelf LifeUnopened product shelf life is 24 months
    RH LimitsUp to 100% RH
    MVER Limits14 lbs MVER with one coat
    19 lbs. MVER with two coats
    Pot Life at 73°F (22.8°C)40 min.
    Recoat TimeNext day if two coat system needed
    Trade TrafficAfter 24 hours
    pHIsolates asbestos, chemically-abated slabs, and surface alkalinity up to a pH of 14
Specifikime teknike
  • Referencë unikemaxxon-commercial-isolate
  • Familja e produkteveFloor Underlayments
  • Grupi i produkteveSpecialty
  • LlojiDokumentacion (info)
  • Data e botimit2022-06-09
  • Numri i botimit1
  • Kategoria BIMobjectDysheme - Shtresë përfund

Rajoni i disponueshëm

North America
Antigua dhe Barbuda
Ishujt Kajman
Shtetet e Bashkuara