Currently, Velvet fabrics are very popular both in Europe and in the world, but this type of fabric has a feature that not everybody likes. We are talking about the effect of writing and shading. In order to meet the needs of people who look for fabrics with Velvet structure but without cumbersome features, we want to present the Brazio Velvet collection. This fabric does not shade, has not got the effect of writing or does not show the places where it is used. It means that the hair of the fabric always returns to the starting position. Brazio Velvet fabric is a plain colored fabric without visible structure in pastel colors with a few exceptions such as bottle green.
Basic technical date:
Composition: 100% Pes
Weight: 400 g/m2
Width: 143 cm +/- 1 cm
Test Martindale: 60 000 cycles
Rajoni i disponueshëm
Europe |
Åland Islands |
Andorra |
Austri |
Belgjikë |
Bjellorusi |
Bosnjë dhe Hercegovinë |
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Ishujt Faroe |
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Qipro |
Qyteti i Vatikanit |
Republika Çeke |
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Rusi |
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Shqipëri |
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Suedi |
Svalbard dhe Jan Mayen |
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